Chapter 27 • Achievements🏅

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Your POV
It's been a while since the trip Leandro is 8 months old and a few stuff has happened. Ondreaz had his 24th birthday and we celebrated, Leandro started doing swimming lessons, few of the hype house members had moved out, Ondreaz was just about to drop another song and I decided to start dancing again.

It was almost Christmas which means it was Leonard's first. Our first family Christmas. It seemed not long ago he was just born and now he's coming up to a year old. Leandro has just started to crawl and pulll himself up which means he wasn't far from walking.

We decided that we'd fly to Nevada the night before  Christmas to see everyone, I hadn't seen my parents since Leandro was born and I'm sure they'd love to see him. Ondreaz, Tony sj and I put everything Into the car and start making our way to the airport.
We arrive and put everything through checkout, as we sit and wait for the fight the boys go and get snacks for themselves while sj and I play with Leandro

Sj- he's growing up way too fast

Y/n- I know soon he'll be running around

Sj- have you and dre thought about another?

Y/n- I've thought about it, I think it would be super cute

Sj- well what do you think about a little cousin for him?

Y/n- wait are you?

Sj- no no not yet, Tony and I are thinking about it

Y/n- I think it would be pretty cute and you guys would make good parents

Skip plane ride
We arrive at the Lopez house just as dinner was getting ready we all get our stuff out of the car and put it in our rooms. Mrs Lopez instantly Leandro from me and gives him his bottle

Mrs Lopez- he's grown so much

Ondreaz- it's gone by really fast

Mrs Lopez- he looks so much like you dre

Y/n- he acts like dre too

Mr lopez- have you thought about another kid?

Ondreaz- ahhh not just yet dad, maybe in the future

We all eat dinner and start setting everything up for Christmas dinner tomorrow night. I put Leandro to bed and start putting presents under the tree before heading to bed. I lay down and not long after dre comes into the room

Ondreaz- sorry about mom and dad

Y/n- it's alright sj asked the same thing at the airport

Ondreaz- would you want to have another?

Y/n- I'd love to but I want to enjoy have things back to way they were before I was pregnant

Ondreaz- well maybe we need to catch up on a few things before we make another" he smirks

Y/n- how about when we get back we do that

Ondreaz- I like that idea

He leans in and gives a long kiss before we both say goodnight and drift to sleep.

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