Chapter 17 • 7 months🤰🏽

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Your POV
Well where has the time gone, I'm 7 months pregnant now and a lot has changed inside and outside of the house.
Chase and charli were back together, they had sorted the whole nessa drama out and toke things slow. Dixie is with Noah, I'd only found out at the Halloween party but they were still doing amazing. Addison and Bryce were basically a couple after months and months of being on and off. Tayler and Charlie were good but having issues with sommer ray still. Everyone else was still the same but now Tony and sj are almost official, Ondreaz has been working hard from home since the accident and well as for myself, I've just gotten huge.
My bump was big, clothes I loved no longer fit and I constantly pee all the flipping time.

The boys in the house have been super helpful and mindful, before hand it used to be loud throughout the house but now after 10pm it's dead quiet. They help out whenever I cook or need something that's completely out of my reach.
The girls and I have been looking at clothes, toys and last minute things for the baby which has been a little bit exciting.

Ondreaz's pov
I know it's only 2 months away but the baby is almost here and I've never been more excited. Everyone in the house has been super helpful from helping out with cooking to keeping y/n company while I do work stuff around the house then it's also looking for last minute things that y/n and I haven't thought of for the baby.

There's has been more thoughts about moving into our own house, I haven't talked to y/n about it yet because I'm not sure if it's the right time but soon there's going to be a crying baby in the house full of people. As much as everyone has offered to help out and doesn't mind having a little one running around, I still feel bad. What if the baby cries in the middle of the night, it'll wake the house up.
I'll just have to find the right time

Your POV
Today the girls wanted to do a girl day which included Dixie, charli, avani and Addison. We were going to get our hair and nails done since we knew next month it was going to be harder to go out and do things.

Nikita- girls let's go" she shouts from the front door

Y/n- ondre I'm going now, I'll be back in a few hours

Ondreaz- waitttttttttt

Y/n- dre I'm going to be safe, I need my last bit of freedom before this little one wants to come

Ondreaz- I know I know, just message me when you arrive safely okay

Y/n- promise

Ondreaz- waittttttt

Y/n- what's wrong now

Ondreaz- ahhhh aren't you forgetting something?" He says pointing to his lips

Y/n- your such a child" I roll my eye, I walk over and give him a quick kiss

Ondreaz- thank you mamas

The girls and I get into the car and make our way to the mall, once we arrive we wait for the group of girls to come. A few minutes later the other girls walk over

Avani- oh my goodness, how long left to go y/n

Y/n- 2 more months

Addison- it only feels like yesterday was the gender reveal

Olivia- let's not waste the gossip girls let's get our day going

We first head to the nail salon and get them done, the girls where all talking about how New Years went , Dixie and Noah had a romantic dinner on the beach, charli and chase were at the hype house, kelianne and chase had there's back in his home town, Bryce and Addison had there's in New York. Avani and Anthony had a simple house party, sj and Tony had a cute little kiss also at the hype house same with Mia and Thomas and Alex and Kouvr , Nikita had 3 guys at her place then there was Ondreaz and I. Ondreaz had done a little picnic on the grass at the hype house while everyone was inside, this time the kiss didn't have to be cut short because we didn't want Tony to freak out. Instead it was a heated make out session.

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