Chapter 7 • 18 week bump👀

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Your POV
It's been a couple of weeks since my last ultrasound and today is my 18 week scan to see if everything is going well but most importantly we could possibly find out the gender of mine and Ondreaz baby.
I woke up this morning with Ondreaz beside me, his hand wrapped around my waist and one of my leg over his body. We wanted to get as much close time as we could before my stomach gets too big and we can't be close with each other. A few minutes after waking up Ondreaz starts to stir and he slowly opens his eyes

Y/n- good morning babe" I say laying a kiss on his cheek

Ondreaz- good morning mamas, how was your sleep?

Y/n- it was okay, I was too excited for today so I didn't get a lot really

Ondreaz- if you want you can have a nap on the way to the appointment

Y/n- I'll see how I'm feeling

Ondreaz- I can't wait to find out if we are having a boy or girl

Y/n- I know it's going so fast

Ondreaz- I just can't wait to meet him or her

After a while we saw we had 2 hours before we need to leave for the appointment so we decided to go hang out with everyone for a while. As we are walking into the kitchen everyone stops and goes wide eyed

Y/n- if there something wrong?" I said a little worried

Olivia- your bump y/n

Y/n- what?

Kouvr- your baby bump is getting bigger

Ondreaz- omg I didn't even noticed

Ryland- wow and you spend the most time with her

They were right though, my bump had gotten a little bigger which I guess is a good sign that the baby is going well.

Larray- so the big question is do you want a boy or a girl

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Larray- so the big question is do you want a boy or a girl

Ondreaz- well I wouldn't mind having a little princess running around

All the girls- awwwwww

Y/n- I'm happy with either but I kinda want a boy because if In the future dre and I have another baby and it's a girl, the boy can be the protective big brother

Thomas- well how about we make a little bet

Paper- I already like where this is going

Chase- it's not a drinking game buddy

Thomas- so what if we did a gender reveal and everyone makes a bet on if it's a boy or a girl, winner gets to decide on the losers punishment

The house- sounds good to me

People who thinks it's a boy💙
Chase, Thomas, kouvr, Nick, ryland, Micheal, Nate

People who think it's a girls💗
Olivia, Alex, Calvin, Patrick, Nikita, larray, kelianne, tayler

Ondreaz and I decided not to put any bets just yet because we wanted to wait until the day of the reveal. While everyone was talking Ondreaz realised it was almost time to go to the appointment, we quickly went back down to our room and changed out of our pj's

Fast forward to the appointment
We arrive in the waiting room to be called into the room. Not going to lie I started to get a little nervous, as much as my bump has grown what if there was something wrong with the baby? Could it have been something I did that caused it? I guess Ondreaz knew I was a bit nervous because he put his arm over my shoulder

Ondreaz- you have nothing to stress about babe, everything will be alright and if there's something wrong we will deal with it
I nod and lean my head onto his shoulder

Doctor- Ms y/n

I looked up at Ondreaz and flash a quick smile which he returns, we both get up and move to the room and sit while we waited

Doctor- so how are we feeling

Y/n- a lot better, I get hungrier a little more often now. I've stay out of stressful situations and made sure I'm keeping myself happy

Doctor- well that's good to hear, we will just do a quick check to see how the baby is doing and hopefully we will see if we can find out the gender of the baby

I get up onto the bed and waited for the doctor to get everything ready. Once the gel was put on and the to was moved along my stomach the doctor seemed to be really happy

Doctor- so have good new and little bit of bad new but nothing to stress over

Ondreaz- is the baby okay?

Doctors- the baby is perfectly fine and healthy which is the good news, the bad news the baby is being a little stubborn and doesn't want to show if it's a boy or a girl. So what we are going to do is you will come back in 3 weeks and hopefully the baby will be happy to show what gender you guys are having

Y/n- perfect
As we get back in the car I let out a sigh of relief

Ondreaz- so we just got to wait a little longer

Y/n- yeah I know which means we can get ideas on what we want to do for the reveal

Ondreaz- we will figure it out let's just get back to the house to let everyone know what's happening

Y/n- can we get nuggets on the way home, I'm starving

Ondreaz- anything for you and our little one

We get the nuggets and get back to the house, everyone was a little bit sad that we had to wait a bit longer but happy that the baby is healthy.
Thomas called for a family night in the movie room so we could all have time together since the next few weeks we're going to be more eventful

As the movie was playing I lay my head on Ondreaz's shoulder and a think about how lucky I am to be in a house full of supportive group of people, they could of told me to leave since there would be a crying baby soon but everyone has offered to be helping hands when needed and then having Ondreaz be there along side just made everything feel a lot more special.

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