Chapter 33 • The big day🎊

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Your POV
Today is the big day.
Today Ondreaz and I were going to be getting married, I was going to become Mrs y/n Lopez. My thoughts were all over the place as soon as I woke up, I was excited but freaking out about today. I walk out of my room and see Dixie with all of the girls in the kitchen.

Dixie- morning y/n

Y/n- morning girls

Charli- are you excited for today?

Y/n- think nervous more then anything

Marlene- you'll be okay, trust me

Nikita then walks over with a plate full of food, all the girls sat at the table and ate while we all talked about things we had to get done.

Knock knock

The girls all looked at each other not knowing what's happening, I got up and made my way to the door. As I opened it there was a man with a bunch of roses

 As I opened it there was a man with a bunch of roses

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The man- Mrs y/n?

Y/n- that's me

The man- these are for you, I hope you have a great day

Y/n- thanks, you too

I close the door and walk back over to the girls who were shocked by the roses.

Kelianne- are they from dre?

Y/n- by the looks of it yes

Mia- what does it say?

I get the note and see it is from dre which made me smile

To y/n
I can't wait to see you soon, I miss you so much already. I hope these clam your nerves
Love dre x

The girls and I are melted by the gift, I put the roses in a vase until we were going to leave

Marlene- okay girls we have half an hour until we have to be out the door. So showers, brush your teeth and double check everyone has everything because we won't have time to come back.

I had the shower first, as I got out I got into a baggy shirt and pants while I made sure I had my dress, shoes and a few other things

Once everyone was ready we got everything and made our way out of the room and to the venue to start getting ready

It was starting to get real now

Ondreaz pov
Nerves were through the roof, it was officially the wedding day. I wanted everything to go well today even though everything was perfect. All the boys were having breakfast and having showers before we had to leave for the venue

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