Chapter 14 • Halloween🎃

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Your POV
It's one of my favourites days of the year, Halloween. The house had been planning for a few weeks on what decorations, food and music to play since Larray came up with the idea of throwing a party.

Thomas- okay guys as everyone knows today is Halloween so we need to get started on decorations and food for tonight.
Girls you'll get the decorations while the boys and I will get food

Nikita- this already sounds bad

Chase- wdym by that

Kouvr- well in all honesty last time you guys were in charge of food yous argued the whole time

Tayler- that's because of chase and Alex

Y/n- guy just chill for a second. How about the girls make a list of stuff for food so there's no arguing

Thomas- sounds like a plan

While the boys got bags for the shopping trip the girls and I make the list, it's was pretty simple. Get bags of lollies, chip, drinks and then stuff to make homemade pizza. We give them the list and they run out the door

Olivia- I bet $10 they'll argue in the middle of the store

Nikita- you think so?

Y/n- Patrick and Calvin are with them so it'll definitely happen

The girls and I grab our bags and make our way to target to get Halloween decorations, there were a few cool decorations but not a lot so we left pretty quick after getting a couple of things.

Nikita- told you guys target wouldn't have everything

Kouvr- well they usually have everything I need

Nikita- when it comes to Halloween decorations not a chance, I know a place that has the best shit

Y/n- alright lead the way

We get back in the car and drive for about 15 minutes until we pulled out front of this crazy store that had some pretty scary stuff

Mia- holy crap

Nikita- welcome to my favourites place

Y/n- Nikita you are a genius. Okay we have an hour to decide because we have to be back at the house soon

2hours later we walks out of the shop with a tone of bags, the boys were going to kill us as soon as they see how much stuff we got but honestly it really was going to be worth it.

Kouvr- the boys are going to kill us for taking so long

Kelianne - who cares, I can't wait to start decorating

We get back to the house to see the boys all worried but their faces turn to annoyed as soon as they saw the amount of bags

Calvin- how much did you get

Nikita- let's just there's a lot

Micheal- well clearly since there's a shit tone of bags

Mia- chill Micheal it'll be worth it

Nick- can we at least look at some

Y/n- go for it

While the boys have a look at some of the decorations I head over to Ondreaz for a quick hug and kiss, since the wedding he's been busy with a lot of work so he could get time off.

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