Chapter 12 • Gender reveal day💙💗

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Your POV
The days have past and it's the night before the reveal of mine and Ondreaz baby. Everyone in the house has worked no-stop to make the gender reveal the best, the girls had work so hard on decorations and the boys have come up with amazing food and drink ideas. Ondreaz has tried to help out as much as possible but everyone has told him no and that he shouldn't be worried about it. He has been so excited about tomorrow, he counted down every day, hour and minute leading up to this point. So what did Ondreaz and I end up doing while everyone was busy? Well after sending out invitations to friends and family we did have a little look at baby clothes and things we would need for the future and even worked on little speeches for the reveal to thank everyone.
As for myself I've been really excited, I've thought about if the baby was a boy or a girl and what life would be like. I was pulled out of my thought to my phone ringing and seeing it was Ondreaz

Y/n- everything okay?

Ondreaz- yeah everything is okay, the boys just want to check a few things over with you about food

Y/n- okay I'll be up in a second

I make my way out of the room and head towards the kitchen where I see the boys arguing over something

Y/n- what is going on?

Alex- these idiots want to out fruit outside instead of lollies

Chase- because it'll be healthier

Paper- do you think this house eats healthy

Chase- clearly not some

Y/n- okay okay chill out, why not do both? The fruit can be a refresher so not everyone has to eat sweet food. Plus you can use them as colours for girls and boys

Calvin and Patrick- we didn't think of that

Y/n- clearly, now show me what other ideas you got that needed to be sorted

After about an hour of the boys arguing again over food choices we all came to an agreement that the girls should have organised the food.....which we ended up doing because we kicked them out of the kitchen. After organising that it was getting late and I felt drained after dealing with all the arguments so I head for a quick shower before waiting for Ondreaz to come into the room. As I was pulling my hair up as Ondreaz walks Into our room

Ondreaz- you heading to bed mamas?" He yawns

Y/n- yeah might as well get an early night before the big day

Ondreaz- I'll join you" he takes off his shirt and climbs into bed while pulling me closer to him

Ondreaz- much better" he says while snuggling beside me

Y/n- you're just in an affectionate mood aren't you

Ondreaz- just a little bit

Y/n- you excited for tomorrow?

Ondreaz- of course, I get to find out if this little human is going to be a girl or a boy. How you feeling?

Y/n- trying to contain nerves so I don't lose sleep

Ondreaz- well how about we get some sleep so we can find out quicker

Y/n- yeah good idea, goodnight dre" I say as I kiss his lips

Ondreaz- goodnight sleepy head

The next day aka gender reveal day☀️
Ondreaz's pov
Today is finally the day, I've never been so excited in my life. Today y/n and I get to find out if we have having a boy or a girl. Everyone in the house has worked so hard on this and I couldn't wait to see what they came up with. My eyes slowly fluttered open and a smile grew across my face knowing what today was going to bring. I look over and see y/n still sleeping peacefully, she really did look beautiful no matter what. I smile even more seeing her so peaceful, I go more closer to her and lay light kisses on her lips then slowly to her cheek. I could tell she was starting to wake up as she hummed and moved a little bit, I make my way down to her neck and find her sweet spot. She slightly moans making me smile at my success

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