Chapter 9 • searching💻

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Ondreaz pov

It was mine and Tony day off this week and sadly y/n had plans with the girls for girls day. As much as I wanted to spend some time together she does need some girl time besides I do see her every morning and night.
So while the girls were going to have their day together I thought that Tony and I could have a Bros days, we spend nearly every day together working but I think it would be good to go out and have lunch and talk about stuff that has nothing to do with work.

I walk down the hallway to Tony's room and see he's still past out, so I walk over and lightly shake him

Tony- bro I was having the best dream" he says a little annoyed

Ondreaz- you and I are gonna have a day out together, something fun instead of work

Tony- don't have to tell me twice

Ondreaz- okay be ready in half an hour and we will go for breakfast

About an hour later he decides to walk down the stairs

Ondreaz- you seriously take forever

Tony- it takes time to look this good bro

Ondreaz- yeah yeah yeah whatever, I'm gonna say bye to y/n quickly

I head out to the pool and see all the girls relaxing by the pool, I let y/n know I'm going out for the day and if she needed anything to let me know. I give her a quick kiss and head back to Tony to head out for breakfast
We arrive at this spot that tayler said made the best bacon and egg wraps and sat down and ate

Tony- this wrap is so good" he says with his mouth still full

Ondreaz- it really is" I say about to take another bite

Tony- I really like this, having time with you that doesn't involve work

Ondreaz- feels like the old time before I went away

Tony- yeah it's just going to suck when you leave again

Ondreaz- wdym when I leave again?

Tony- oh well I would have thought you and y/n would be looking for your own place since yous are going to have a baby

Ondreaz- I mean I wouldn't mind having my own place but idk how y/n will feel

Tony- I'm sure she'd want to move out, it would be hard to see you guys go but I know it's going to be what's best

Ondreaz- well what if you lived with us?

Tony- do you think y/n would be okay with that though? Like it would be your place

Ondreaz- bro you are her best friend and this baby is going to be your nephew or niece

Tony- if she's happy with that then I'll think about it

Ondreaz- I mean we could check out some open houses, we have all day

Tony- that would be soooo much fun

Ondreaz- let's finish up and start searching

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