Chapter 11 • planning🗓

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Doctor- now the gender of the baby is—

Y/n- wait stop we don't want to know

Doctor- are you waiting until the baby is born?

Ondreaz- we want to do a gender reveal

Doctor- oh I see, sorry for almost saying the gender. I'll put the results in an envelope for you guys

Y/n- thanks you so much

As the doctor was finishing up his report he put a note Into the envelope and past it to us.

Doctor- the gender of your baby is in here, if you do lose this just come back and ask the ladies at the front desk. Otherwise from that I'll see you in a few weeks time for you check up

Ondreaz- awesome, thank you doctor

As we head back to the house Ondreaz couldn't stop but smiling and neither could I. It really was becoming more and more exciting as time has gone on in this pregnancy.

We got back to the house and told everyone that we have got the gender and that the reveal was to go ahead. Everyone was super excited and started running around to get things sorted

Thomas- girls start preparing decorations, boys we are taking care of food and drink. Nikita and larray I need you guys to sit with Ondreaz and y/n to decide on what type of reveal they want to do. Y/n and Ondreaz invite as many people as you guys want

While everyone continued to run around crazy Nikita and larray pull us somewhere quiet to talk

Larray- so are you guys excited

Y/n- so excited I can't wait

Ondreaz- I just keeps getting more and more real

Nikita- I bet, now the big question is how do you want to reveal the gender? Cake, smoke canon?

Ondreaz- I kinda like the smoke idea

Y/n- yeah that would be sooo good

Larray- alright so that's settled. Now I know the boys aren't going to ask but do you want pink and blue cupcakes as apart of food

Y/n- that would be soo cute

Nikita- okay guys, yous can send invites out while we make this reveal the best for you guys

Ondreaz- thanks guys, if you need any help feel free to ask me

Larray- no no you just relax

The next day☀️
Ondreaz's pov

I woke up early still excited after yesterday, it's a few days before the reveal so I decided to let my family know so they can organise a way to come visit.
I decided to call Xavier first

Xavier- morning bro everything all good

Ondreaz- hey, yeah everything is going really well, I was actually wondering if you, Marlene and ayden wanted to come and visit for the gender reveal

Xavier- shit is she already 18 week?

Ondreaz- 21 weeks, the baby didn't want to show what gender  so we went at 21 weeks to see

Xavier- wow it really has gone fast. We will definitely be coming up, have you talked to mom and dad?

Ondreaz- I'm going to be calling them afterwards

Xavier- alright, well I'm gonna get things sorted

Ondreaz- no worries I see you soon

As I hang up the call I feel to always wrap around my waist

Y/n- good morning handsome" she says kissing my shoulder

Ondreaz- good morning beautiful

Y/n- who was that on the phone

Ondreaz- I was inviting Xavier, Marlene and ayden to the reveal

Y/n- awwww, have you asked your parents

Ondreaz- I'm about to do that now, have you asked yours

Y/n- I'll asked them now as well

Ondreaz- okay then we'll get breakfast

Y/n- sounds perfect" she gives me a quick kiss and I call my parents

Your POV
After call my parents and inviting them to the reveal they were so excited to visit. I head up to the kitchen with Ondreaz and make pancakes for the house together

Patrick- something smells so good

Y/n- that would be breakfast

Nate- do you know how much we love you

Ondreaz- hey now she's mine

Kouvr- someone's little protective this morning

We all laugh and head to the table to eat some food, the rest of the house finally gets up and joins us at the table

Thomas- so we are finishing up last bits today for the reveal, have you guys finished inviting people?

Ondreaz- well obviously you guys are invited, we just invited our families to come

Y/n- shit I have to do invite Dixie, charli, addison and avani

Ondreaz- don't stress I've still got to invite Micheal Lee, David and Moses

Mia- well then that gives you guys something to do today while the rest of us get everything ready

Most the the day was pretty much sending invites, getting foods sorted and relaxing.
As the day came to the end, I head in for a shower to cool myself off. Halfway through my peaceful shower I feel two hand wrap around me and a light kiss placed on shoulder, I turn around knowing exactly who it was.

Ondreaz- thought I'd save some water

Y/n- oh really?

Ondreaz- hmmmm little bit..... but I just wanted kisses too

Y/n- I was gonna wait to we both got into bed but I guess this works too

We laughed as we both lean in and have a little make out session, don't worry it didn't lead to anything crazy even though a part of me wanted too.
We dry off and get into bed where we both drifted off straight away

Sorry that it's a shorter chapter but don't stress the next chapter is going to be longer and will be the reveal. Last chance to vote🤍

💙Boy or girl💗

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