Chapter 16 • The accident pt.2🚑

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Ondreaz pov

Ondreaz- what happened Tony!" I said frustrated

Tony- a car came out of nowhere and hit us, it got my side of the car and we spun" he says a little shaken up

Ondreaz- where is she!

Tony- in the ambulance, sj has gone with her. She hit her head on the window

Ondreaz- I'm leaving now I'm meet you at the hospital

I hung up and throw my work phone across the room. I was so angry and worried about y/n. I grab everything I toke to work and ran out of the office to my car and went straight to the hospital. Along the way I see Tony's car on the back of a truck, I see the side of car where the person hit Tony's side and then the cracked window the side y/n was sitting on. I burst into tears worried.

Was she okay?
Was the baby okay?

Tony's pov
After getting off the phone with Ondreaz I go into freak out mode, I get into a taxi nearby and went straight to the hospital. As I arrive I see sj in the waiting room filling out papers

Tony- hey have they said anything?" I ask pulling her into a hug

Sj- they just toke her straight in as soon a we got here, they got me to tell them all the information about her and that's it" she says as her eyes began filling with tears

Tony- okay just relax, I'm sure she's going to be okay

Sj- is dre coming?

Tony- he's on his way

We sit there fill out the form when we see Ondreaz running in

Ondreaz- where is she?

Tony- we don't kn-

Ondreaz- where is she!" He yells

Sj- they toke her to get looked at, just sit and fill out the forms and then we can figure it out

Ondreaz- I shouldn't have went to work" he says while pacing back and forth

Tony- dre it's out of our control just do the forms and we will figure it out

Ondreaz's pov
I fill out the rest of forms and went to the front counter

Nurse- thank you.

Ondreaz- do we know when we will be able to see her?

Nurse- they are doing the last few tests on her then we can send you in

I sit back down next to sj and Tony and wait to be called. They tried talking to me but all I wanted was to go in and see her, see if she's okay, if our baby was okay. Everything was so built up, I felt angry and I just wanted to let it out.

Tony- Ondreaz let's go outside for a second okay. If we get called sj will let us know

He takes me outside and all I could do was cry

Tony- I know you are hurting bro, I am too but you have got to stay in control. This is not our fault.

Ondreaz- what if something is wrong?

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