Chapter 20• Baby is comming👶🏽

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Ondreaz's pov
Everything was ready to go, the decorations were ready, food was being made, the ring arrived now it's getting her here. I go to call sj but see her calling me already

Ondreaz- hey what's up?

Sj- you need to go to the hospital NOW!

Ondreaz- what's happening is y/n okay?

Sj- dre she's in labor, she's going to have the baby

Ondreaz- oh fuck I'm leaving right now

I hang up and rush back inside, all the boys were confused to why I ran inside


All the boys rush down the stairs and get into the cars and we rush straight to the hospital.

I'm going to be a dad!!

Your POV

Y/n- where the fuck is he!

Sj- just focus on right now y/n, he on his way to the hospital now

Nikita- oh god idk how to help

Kouvr- look to see if the baby's head is there

Nikita- nothing yet

Kelianne- people need to get off the street right now, HEY PREGNANT LADY ABOUT TO GIVE BIRTH MOVE!!!

Olivia- I don't think it's helping

Kelianne- we're here

The girls get me out of the car and take me to the emergency room. A couple of doctors come out with a wheelchair and papers

Doctor- only one person can come in at this time, if the baby's father coming

Sj- yes he's coming and I'll come in for support

After signing the papers the doctors take me to a empty room to say in until I'm ready to give birth

Y/n- sj where is he

Sj- he'll be here soon I promise, maybe call your family to let them know

While I wait for Ondreaz I call my family to let them know I'm in labor and would be having the baby soon. My parents burst into tears and tell me how proud of everything I achieved and that I'll be a great mother. I cry with them not knowing if it's hormones or if it's from the pain. My brothers were happy and wished me luck, they were all booking the next flight to come and and see the baby.
After I call Marlene for her to help until dre arrives

Marlene- hey what's up

Y/n- I'm in labor and dre isn't here yet

Marlene- omg how exciting, are you going okay

Y/n- he's not here and I don't know what to do

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