Chapter 30 • you make me the happiest❤️

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Your POV
Everything began to light up, there were candles and roses across the grounds leading down the stairs. I turn to the girls who were smiling, it truly reminded me of our first date

The hallway was filled with candles on each side, all the lights were off so it looked so beautiful. We go done the stairs to see most of the boys. They all had snack in there hands which happened to me some of my favourites. They put it in a box and give it to me as they lead me outside towards the garden. That's when I see this cute little tent and Ondreaz, is this a date?

I begin to walk down the steps wondering what would be around the corner. As I get to the bottom i see a hype house boys but not only that but the Lopez family and mine.My eyes began to fill with tears as I rush over to hug each one of them.

Y/n- it's so good to see you guys

Leo- look how big Leandro has gotten

Mrs Lopez- he reminds me so much of Ondreaz

Y/n- would you like to hold him

Mrs lopez- yes please

Your mom- so tell us why did you invite all of us out here?

Y/n- what do you mean?

Xavier- Ondreaz said you and him have a big announcement to share and we all needed to come

Y/n- I'm not sure what it's supposed to be

Marlene- ummmmmm I think I might know

I turn around to see Ondreaz, I was about to ask what was happening but he goes down onto one knee, oh my god..... is he???

Ondreaz- wow this is a lot scarier then I thought, for the past year and a bit we have lived together. When I met you, you were known as my brothers best friend. We both started off rocky mostly because it was trying to prove each other wrong. But with the highs and lows we came together on this day, that day is something I'll never forget because that's when I knew I had the best person in my life.
Being able to call you mine and then having a child together has been a success in my life and I wouldn't change a thing. Both of you guys are my world and I can't wait to see what life is like with you guys by my side. You bring out the best in me and make me the happiest, I couldn't do life with out you. So will you y/n make me the happiest person and marry me" he then opens the ring box and I see a beautiful ring

 So will you y/n make me the happiest person and marry me" he then opens the ring box and I see a beautiful ring

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Y/n- yes yes

He rises up and puts the ring on my finger and pull me into a hug, everything was coming together.
Everyone rushed over for a big hug and to check out the ring

Ondreaz Lopez• where we first began book2Where stories live. Discover now