Chapter 3 • The announcement🔊

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Y/n- Ondreaz I'm pregnant

Ondreaz- w-what?

Y/n- I found out after I left the house, once I got myself sorted I knew I needed to come back and tell you" I say with tears forming

He sits down on our bed, I knew he was in shock. I mean who wouldn't after your partner leaves for a months then pops back up pregnant

Ondreaz- is- is it mine?" He looks up at me fighting the tears

Y/n- yes it's yours, I wasn't with anyone else" I say kneeling in front of him

Ondreaz- I can't believe it

Y/n- I understand if it's too sudden for you and if you don't want to be in his or her-

Ondreaz- I never said I never wanted to be, I'm just surprised, a good surprised. I wanted to have kids with you but I wasn't expecting so soon" he says letting the tears fall

Y/n- so your not mad?

Ondreaz- I could never be mad at you, I know we haven't talked about what's happening with us but I know that I care for you so much and I want things to go back to the way we were and I want to be apart of our child life

We smiled, with tears in both our eyes. I walk to him and give him a hug which he returns back

Ondreaz- I'm gonna make this work, for the 3 of us" he says pulling away and places his hands on my stomach

Ondreaz's pov
She's pregnant. The girl I' wanted to be the mother of my children and my wife is pregnant. I couldn't wrap my head around it. All I know is I couldn't be happier and that I was going to make everything right, this child deserves to have two loving parents and I couldn't think of how much I love y/n and how much I'm going to fall in love with our son or daughter.
Y/n walks over and we both hug, it feels like everything is starting to fall in place again only this time we were going to be stronger then ever.

Y/n- if you want to go back out and party with everyone you can, I'm gonna shower and sleep I think

Ondreaz- I'll stay with you. I'll tell the other you aren't feeling too good and that I'll look after you

Y/n- are you sure, you don't need to do that

Ondreaz- I'm sure, besides it gives us time to catch up

Y/n- sure I'll see you in a little bit then

I leave the room and I couldn't help but smile at how lucky I am, i walks out to everyone and say that y/n and I were done for tonight and we'd see them in the morning. As I walk back to y/n's and my room I couldn't help but think that a few months from now a mini y/n and me would be here. I come back to the room and here the shower going so while I waited I got changed into boxers and continued to think how mine and y/n's life would change.

Your POV
I was so surprised how Ondreaz toke the news but I'm glad everything was starting to work out again between us. After he left to tell everyone I jumped into the shower and thought about the future, how there could be a little boy who looks like Ondreaz but has Tony attitude running around the house or a little girl who'll have an over protective dad and uncle. In the end I know whatever this Baby decides to be Ondreaz and I will make sure this baby has the best childhood.
After a bit in the shower I get out and get changed Into a big t-shirt, as I go out of the bathroom I see Ondreaz on our bed smile at his phone, His smile still warms my heart.

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