Chapter 21 • Baby Lopez🍼

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Your POV
What felt like an eternity the baby was finally here, a little boy. As the doctors take him away to do a few tests and to clean him up I look up at Ondreaz who was in tears but kept his eyes on the baby. I place my hand on top of his which caught his attention

Ondreaz- I-I-I can't believe he's here

Y/n- well you gotta believe it now

Ondreaz- you did amazing mamas, I knew you could do it

Y/n- couldn't have made it through without you

Doctor- your baby as all healthy and good. Would you guys like to hold him?

Y/n- yes please

She passes him down and all I could do was burst into tears, he was perfect in every way possible. His little nose, his long eyelashes and his tiny fingers. You know when mothers say it's love at first sight when you meet for the first time, they aren't kidding. Every movement, every noise, all the little things made me fall over and over in love with him

Ondreaz- could I um hold him?" He asked a little nervous

Y/n- of course you can, he's your son too dre" I sit up and pass the baby to dre

Ondreaz- wow, he's so tiny

Y/n- for now he is

Ondreaz- hey little man, I'm your dad" he says as his eye began to fill with tears

Y/n- awww don't cry

Ondreaz- happy tears, this is the best day of my life

Ondreaz pov

It truly was the best day and I knew from this day onwards every day will be the best because I'm the luckiest guy in the world. As I held him he pokes his tongue out which just melted my heat,  he had dark brown hair and was a mixed of y/n and I.
He was prefect

Knock knock

Y/n- come in

Tony- hey how did it go

Ondreaz- he's here

Tony- can we all come in

Y/n- of course

The door flys open and every from the hype house comes into the room and looks at the the baby

Kouvr- he's such a cutie

Ryland- he's tiny as

Nate and tayler- we still call god parents

Mia- hell no me and Kouvr are

Thomas- ahhhh aren't you forgetting me

Y/n- that can be decided later okay, for now I just want to enjoy this moment

Tony- can I hold him?

Ondreaz- yeah bro

As everyone got to hold the baby I got the chance to sit with y/n and see how she was feeling. Once everyone had their turn holding the baby it was starting to get late.

Tony- I'll drive your car home bro, just message when you guys get to leave

Ondreaz- thank you, and thank you guys for helping y/n as well

Olivia- it was no problem, definitely something I won't forget

Thomas- well congratulations guys, let us know when you guys are home and settled in so we can come by one time

Y/n- thank you

Your POV
After everyone left Ondreaz and I sat on the bed admiring this little person who's entered our lives, everything just felt perfect and just so unreal.

Ondreaz- it's now the 3 of us

Y/n- I know but I'm happy there's 3

Ondreaz- did you let our parents know we had the baby?

Y/n- I called them, they'll most likely be here tomorrow

Mr and Mrs Lopez- how our new grandson?" They said coming through the doors

Y/n- he's perfect

Marlene- awww he's too cute

Xavier- don't get any ideas right now, we have one already

Mrs Lopez- have you guys decided on a name yet?

Ondreaz- we've got three names in mind so far

Xavier- what are they?

Ondreaz- *************************************

Mr Lopez- they are all good names

Y/n- I know which makes it hard, but I'm waiting to see what my family thinks

Finn and Leo- see what we think about what?

Y/n- you guys made it?

Your mom- of course sweetheart

Your dad- how are you feeling

Y/n- I'm okay now, everything is perfect

Leo- sooo are we going to find out or?

Ondreaz- we are deciding on 3 names for the baby

Your dad- what are they?


Finn- ooo they are pretty good

Ondreaz and Y/n- we know

Mr lopez- whatever name you decide on we are still going to love it

After talking for some time with Ondreaz we had finally agreed on a name

Y/n- you ready?

Ondreaz- everyone meet  Leandro Lopez

Ondreaz Lopez• where we first began book2Where stories live. Discover now