Chapter 32 • The night before 🌙

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Your POV
It's the night before mine and dres wedding and I'm excited and nervous. Everything was officially ready for tomorrow. I picked my dress and how I was gonna have everything. All the food, drinks, decorations were all ready to go.
Jame Charles was gonna do my make up, avani was gonna do my hair and Dixie was going to preform.

Ondreaz pov
It's finally the night before and I've got so many thoughts and feelings about tomorrow. Everything was ready, the last thing that needed to be done was actually turn up for the day.
Y/n and I decided before we go separate ways until we see each other at the altar we would go to the beach with Leandro.
It was 3:30pm so we decided to head down, Leandro had fallen asleep half way their but I know he'll be up as soon as he sees the water. He's a lot like y/n, he loves the beach. Once we arrive we got Leandro out of his car seat and got our towels and made our way down. As expected Leandro woke up and saw the water, him and y/n run down the sand to the ocean while I laugh.
It's crazy to think that in less then a day her and I would be married.

The three of us played around In the water for a few hours before we make our way back to the house.
Y/n's mom offered to take him for the night so y/n and I have proper sleep for tomorrow. While I was bathing Leandro y/n was packing his bags

Ondreaz- does he have his pull-ups for tonight and his toy?

Y/n- yep, you just gotta get his outfit for tomorrow out

Ondreaz- you excited to stay the night at grandmas" I say to Leandro

Leandro then pulls a sad face and his eyes filled with tears

Ondreaz - no no don't pull that face you'll see mama and dadda tomorrow

Y/n- everything's packed

Ondreaz- alright little man, let's get you dressed and have some food before we all go

We go him all dressed and gave home his dinner, just as we were cleaning him up y/n's mom was at the door

Y/n- hey mom

Y/n mom- hey sweetheart, you excited for tomorrow

Y/n- yep, we are just cleaning Leandro up and he'll be ready

Ondreaz- hi Ms y/n

Y/n mom- hi Ondreaz

Ondreaz- okay that's his bag and his outfit, just bring him to the boys room tomorrow and we will get him ready

Y/n mom- no worries, well I'll see yous both tomorrow

We give Leandro a quick kiss and cuddle before
Y/n mom get back in her car and leaves

Y/n - I've just gotta back one more thing and I'll be heading off

Ondreaz- same here

We both walk up to our room and made sure everything was packed

Ondreaz- ready for tomorrow?

Y/n- little nervous and excited

Ondreaz- I'm in the same boat but I can't wait to see you

Y/n- last night as ms y/n

Ondreaz- then you'll be Mrs y/n Lopez" he says with a smirk before pecking my lips

Y/n- well i better get to this hotel, I'll see you at the altar

Ondreaz- I'll see you tomorrow

Y/n- I love you

Ondreaz- I love you too

We had one last kiss before getting in our cars and drove

I arrive at my hotel room and it too quiet, I had Dixie staying with me but she was doing something with Noah before she was coming up to the room

I went for a shower and decided to watch a bit of tv, but nothing was on that was worth watching. I look at the time 10:30pm. Stuff it, I head to my room and decided to FaceTime Ondreaz

Ondreaz- everything okay?

Y/n- Dixie is still out with Noah and there's nothing to watch on tv

Ondreaz- I can talk with you until you fall asleep

Y/n- thank you

We talk for a about 30 minutes before we both decided we need to sleep

Ondreaz- I can't wait to see you tomorrow" he says in a sleepy voice

Y/n- I can't wait either

Ondreaz- goodnight I love you

Y/n- I love you too goodnight

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