Chapter 2 • Telling him🤭

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Ondreaz pov

I open the door to see her

Y/n- can I come in?" She says a little nervous

Ondreaz- y/n!" I yelled pulling her in for a hug

everyone heard me yell and made there way to the overlook and saw y/n standing at the door

Everyone- y/n's back!!!" They all rush down the stairs and have a massive group hug. Everyone cried happy tears for a while

Y/n- can we go inside it's a bit cold out there and we can all catch up" she said shivering

Mia- of course, boys carry her stuff while I'll make some hot chocolate

All the boys get everything she brought over and headed up stairs, we got her all wrapped up in a blanket as we waited for hot chocolate.

Thomas- I think I can speak on everyone's behalf and say welcome back but where have you been

Patrick- did you travel the world?

Calvin- did you bring us any presents ?

Y/n- I can see you guys definitely haven't changed

Ryland- all seriousness where were you this month

Y/n- I was still in the city but just far enough that you don't drive near, I've been working a lot on myself this month. A lot of thinking and talking to group people to help me out and now I'm ready to come back

Tony- well it's good that you are back now, we missed you so much

Y/n- I missed you guys too

Chase- how about we all get some sleep and we can talk in the morning it's nearly 11:30

Y/n- yeah go get some sleep guys, I'll crash on the couch

Ondreaz- no take our room

Y/n- are you sure dre

Ondreaz- always

Your POV
I decided on come back to the hype house late at night, crazy to do that I know but it was time to go home. They were all so happy to when I arrive which I wasn't expecting. I thought that'd leave me in the cold but I'm grateful I'm back with everyone.
I head to Ondreaz's and i room and see how everything still looks the same but a lot of memories come back which makes me smile.

I put my bags downs and start to unpack when I hear a knock at the door
Y/n- come in" I say and I had the door open and close to see Ondreaz

Ondreaz- how's unpacking going

Y/n- takes a bit of time but it's alright

Ondreaz- would you like me to help?

Y/n- if you'd like to sure

He helps put some of the stuff away and to my surprise he remembers where I used to have everything placed. It was nice having him around again, he definitely has changed since I saw him last. His longish hair was no longer there but still handsome as ever, he even looked like he was more muscular and just overall looked like he was doing well which made me happy

Ondreaz- alright that's everything done

Y/n- thank you for helping out" I say as I give him a hug
He smelt so good and his hugs were still the same, warms, nice and always made me feel safe

Ondreaz Lopez• where we first began book2Where stories live. Discover now