Chapter 29 • The little things❣️

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Your POV

Y/n- awwww you didn't have to do all of this

Ondreaz- I just wanted to do something special for you

Y/n- this is amazing, I love it so much

Ondreaz- I'm glad you do, happy anniversary

Y/n- happy anniversary" I walk over and give him a kiss on the lips

Y/n- how's my little man doing

Ondreaz- he was so good today, we watched a movie, watched dadda and uncle Thomas and Alex set up all of this and we got to nap

Y/n- sounds very eventful

We sit for a while I got to have Leandro time since I hadn't seen him all day. After a while all the girls came in

Y/n- everything okay?

Avani- yeah everything's fine, we were gonna steal Leandro for a little bit while you and dre can enjoy your night

Y/n- you don't have to do that

Dixie- it's your anniversary beside we will only be in the next room

Y/n- okay I guess I can use some time with dre

Charli- awesome

I gave Leandro a quick hug and kiss before handing him over to the girls, once the girls left the room Ondreaz gets up from the bed and put a movie on. He decided to put on the same movie we watched on our first date- fast and furious

Y/n- you really are going all out for this

Ondreaz- I want it to be perfect

Y/n- there will be plenty more to make perfect dre

Ondreaz- and I'll make sure to do even better

He smiles and we both lean in for a kiss, ugh I've missed these little moments. The kiss soon start to get heated and I was definitely down to go further since the girls had Leandro.
I get onto Ondreaz lap which I guessed shocked him a little but it quickly turned to a smirk, our lips reconnected and his hands travel to waist. Just as I was about to take my shirt off there was a knock at the door

Y/n- you'd think there would be no interruption" I say causing Ondreaz to laugh, I walk over and open the door to see the girls

Ondreaz- everything okay?

Charli- not exactly-

Olivia- kio just used me" she says bursting into tears

Y/n- wait you and kio where getting back together?

Olivia- we were looking at but he's just fucking around

Y/n- give me two seconds girls" I turn to Ondreaz

Y/n- I'm gonna calm her down for a little bit and hopefully we could continue afterwards

Ondreaz- okay, don't take too long

We have a quick kiss and I go with the girls back to the room they were in. The girls had a bunch of snacks already set for Olivia

Y/n- how are you feeling?

Olivia- kinda broken really, I thought he was gonna change

Charli- he's just stupid okay, there's plenty of others

Avani- exactly

Addison- there's plenty more out there

Y/n- just watch a few movies that'll make you laugh, I've gotta get back to dre

Kouvr- actually you can't

Y/n- wdym

Mia- so this may or may not have been one of Ondreaz's ideas to distract you

Y/n- you gotta be kidding

Olivia- not kidding and why would I get back with kio?

Y/n- you were literally balling your eyes out

Olivia- that's because Kouvr scared the crap out of me so i could convince you

Y/n- well you all did a good job but can I actually go?

Dixie- not until we get the signal to let you out

Y/n- well while I'm waiting i at least want cuddles from Leandro

While we sat there for 30 minutes playing with Leandro Mias phone went off

Mia- we are good to go people

Y/n- ready to go see dadda" I say picking Leandro up

We all head downstairs towards the back door to see everything in pitch black

Y/n- are you sure he's out here

Mia- it's what the text said

That's when everything started to light up

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