Chapter 4 • Telling the parents👥

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Your POV

It's been a few days since I told the house I was pregnant and honestly it been a weight lifted off my shoulders, the girls have been super supportive and have been keeping me company while Ondreaz is working on things. After announcing about the pregnancy Tony suggested we fly back to Nevada and tell Ondreaz and my parents about it. I haven't spoke to my parents since last Christmas so it'll be interesting to see how they react.
I haven't been back home since Christmas so it'll be good to see everyone again, but I'm nervous to see how the Lopez family reacts when I tell them that I'm pregnant. I know Xavier has a son and they understood even though he was a teenager, but I don't know how they'll take Ondreaz and I having a child. I haven't talked to Ondreaz about it because I don't want to stress him out, and I know It's not good for me to stress either but I do plan on talking to him about it.

Ondreaz's pov
Since y/n told the house about the pregnancy everyone has been really supportive of both her and I. The girls have been looking after her while Tony and I have been working on last-minute things before we go back to Nevada to tell our parents. I think y/n is a little nervous to say she's worried but I know my parents are going to be their for both of us, I think it's more how her parents will react that'll worry me.

Day of flight ✈️
Your POV

It's 7:30am and Tony, Ondreaz and I  are wait for our flight. We've been up since 4:30am and all I can say is that being pregnant and not being a morning person isn't a good mix, thankfully Ondreaz has been amazing had helping me out.

Ondreaz- do you guys want anything to eat or drink before we get on the plane?

Y/n- I'll just have water thanks

Tony- I'm still full from breakfast

Ondreaz- alright I'll be back soon

He walks of leaving Tony and i to sit and talk. Tony and I haven't had a lot of time talk so I was happy to have a heart to heart conversation.

Tony- how does it feel to be back?

Y/n- it's good to be back, I missed everyone

Tony- we all missed you but your back now and we have another one join soon" he smiles

Y/n- you're gonna be a awesome uncle

Tony- I know" he says while doing a hair flip

Y/n- now it's seeing how our parents are going to react" I sign

Tony- mom and dad are going to be fine and support you just like they did with Xavier and Marlene, how will your parents take it though?

Y/n- I haven't thought about it, after Christmas last year whatever they have to say won't matter as long as I have you guys

Tony- you'll always have us

That's when we hear our flight being called and Ondreaz comes back with some water and snacks for himself. We board the plane and sit while we wait to get back home.

After a hour flight we've finally arrived back to Nevada. It feels good to be back but makes me a little more nervous. After collecting our bags we get into a rental car and being to drive to the Lopez house.

Ondreaz- y/n how are you feeling?

Y/n- little nervous but I'm okay

Ondreaz- why are you nervous? Everyone is going to be there for you I promise, and if you need anything just ask

We pull up into the driveway of the house and begin to unload the car, as we make our way to the front door, the door flys open revealing Mrs and Mr Lopez. They rush over to us and give us all bigs hugs and asks us about of flight back home, it felt so good to see them since I hadn't seen them since Christmas and papa lopez wasn't doing to well at the start of the year.

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