Chapter 22 • Best dad🎖

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Your POV
It's been about a week since  Leandro was born and it has been such ride. The hype house has visited since we've been back more to allow Ondreaz and i to relax and sleep. Leandro has been really good though, most mom I talked to said how their babies would wake up 3-4 times a night and how there was no time for sleeping or anything but it's been the complete opposite. He only wakes up 1-2 times, I get sleep whenever I can and as for getting what I need done I try to take him with me unless Ondreaz offers to have him.

Today I woke up feeling like complete shit, I noticed I start to feel abit sick. No not covid sick just the common cold, sj had it a few days ago and I guess I caught it.

Ondreaz- good morning beautiful " he says giving me a kiss on the cheek

Y/n- good morning handsome" I reply sounds really bad

Ondreaz- your not sounding really good

Y/n- I think I caught the cold that sj had

Ondreaz- awwww I'm sorry mamas

Y/n- don't be but I can't be around Leandro today I don't want him to catch it

Ondreaz- don't stress, him and I can have a father son day

Y/n- I think he'll love it

Ondreaz- of course he will I'm awesome, now get some rest I'll be up in a few minutes with some food and a drink

Ondreaz's pov
Y/n isn't feel well today so today is going to be a father and son day for Leandro. I go to his room and see that he's still sleeping, perfect. I head down stairs and make y/n some toast and water for breakfast, as I make my way upstairs I start to hear Leandro fussing.
I quickly peak my head Into the room and see him moving around.

Ondreaz- Good morning my boy" I say as I sit y/n breakfast on a side table to get him

Ondreaz- let's get you changed and we will go see mama quickly, she's not feeling good today so we get to hang out together sound cool?" I ask picking him out of his crib to which he smiles

Ondreaz- I'm going to take that as a yes

I get Leandro out of his little pjs and into some clothes for today before I put him on my hip and get y/n's food from the table. As I'm getting to our room I see sj coming out

Sj- hey dre, hey little man

Ondreaz- is y/n still up?

Sj- yeah she was just asking if you were getting Leandro, I can take the food in for her so you can focus on him

Ondreaz- yeah that's all good, I might take him out for a walk so we are out of the house

Sj- okay cool

I hand sj breakfast and make my way to the front door to put  Leandro in the stroller. After getting him all buckled in I give him his bottle as we start our walk around the neighbourhood, an hour  into our walk  he starts to fuss again

Ondreaz- hey hey it's all good, how about we head back home so we can get you some food then we can go down for a nap

We head back to the house and hear that it's quiet. Perfect. I get Leandro out of the stroller and make our way to the kitchen. I show him the bottle and his face lights up I chuckled as I put it in hot water to heat up. Once it's ready I head to the living room and put on the tv for some background noise.
After he finished his bottle I wait for him to fall asleep so I can take him up to his room which didn't end up going to plan

2hours later
I wake up after a mini nap to see  Leandro still with me. Guess it isn't bad to have a nap. I get up to go to the kitchen to see what to do for dinner tonight while Leandro was still sleeping but there was nothing in the house. Looks like there's going to be a shopping trip. I head back to the lounge room and see Leandro starting to wake up, I wait for a little bit until he rubbed his eyes and they open

Ondreaz- did you have a good nap with dad? Cos I had a good one, but now we have to go shopping for dinner

I pick him up then head to the front door to get my keys for the car. After I get Leandro in his car seat I get in the drivers and begin the trip the the shops

Ondreaz- how are you going back there little man?" I ask looking In the mirror

He shoots a quick smile but soon a sad face

Ondreaz- don't be sad we are almost there, how about I tell you a story?

Leandro goes back to a big smile and makes a little squeal

Ondreaz- I'm gonna say that's a yes, how about I tell you the story of how you and your mom met?

He does an even bigger squeal

Ondreaz- alright well once upon a time your uncle Tony and dadda  were going to live in this big big big house with some friends. But when dadda went to his and uncle Tony's room the door hit mama on the head, she was okay she didn't get hurt but your mama was so beautiful, she still is but when I first saw her she was out of this world.
But dadda did something stupid that hurt her feelings which I fixed in the end. Then I planned to ask mama to be my girlfriend, you'll get one someday or maybe you might not like girls but besides from that, I made a really beautiful set up and I asked her to be mine. Then a silly lady tried to break us and she nearly did which hurt dada's feelings but when she came back she said she had a little baby in her tummy which turned out to be you"

He does a little giggle as we arrive at the mall, I get him out of the car and start looking at ideas. In the end I got some rice and chicken to make butter chicken. Leandro and I then got back Into the car and made our way home. As I pull up I see Tony getting out of his car

Tony- hey bro, there's my little nephew. What did you guy do today?

Ondreaz- tell uncle how we had a day together because mama isn't well

Tony- that would have been so cool, is that stuff for dinner?" Points at bag

Ondreaz- yeah butter chicken

Tony- sj and I can cook it while you go see y/n

Ondreaz- yeah how about we go see mama

Leandro and I then head up to mine and y/n's room to see her sitting up watching tv

Y/n- there's my two favourite boys

Tony- I heard that" he yells and we all laugh

Ondreaz- how are you feeling?

Y/n- a lot better, could I possibly hold him

Ondreaz- yeah here you go

Y/n- hi baby, what did you do with daddy today?

Ondreaz- ahhh what?

Y/n- I was talking to Leandro

Ondreaz- I know but you said um-

Y/n- ohhhh right hahaha

Ondreaz- not funny your lucky Leandro is in here and you have a few more weeks to rest before we have fun

Y/n- anyways" I rolled my eyes and smirked

Ondreaz- we had a little walk, had a nap then got dinner

Y/n- sound better then mine

Ondreaz- wanna do a family night in here? Leandro can sleep with us

Y/n- I'd love that

Tony then calls us for dinner then we have a quick shower before having a relaxing night watch movies

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