Chapter Three

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"Ow, ow, okay!" I snap, attempting to yank my arm away from Recovery Girl, the school nurse. The old woman looks up at me through her eye gear with a grimace and tightens her grip, making me wince.

"It's broken. Stop moving" she orders and I make a face, closing my eyes tightly as she leans down to kiss the injury. I grit my teeth at the feeling of my arm stitching itself back together and then slump over, immediately worn out.

"Yikes..." I mumble, holding my head. At the same time, it seems my nose has stopped bleeding and my headache has dissipated.

"Feel better?" the old woman asks, a mischievous smile on her face and I nod, even though I feel like passing out right here.

"What about Shiori? Where is she?" I demand. I've been asking ever since Aizawa dragged my ass here but everyone I talked to refused to answer until I was healed up.

"She's in her room. She just needs rest" Recovery Girl assures me but it doesn't ease the tension.

"I have to go see her" I blurt, starting to stand.

"Sit, Ito" Mr. Aizawa orders, scaring me back onto the bed with his sudden appearance.

"Mr. Aizawa..." I start but the look on his face makes me hold my tongue. Great. It's only day one and I'm already in hot water.

"Your team may have won the challenge today, but you showed a major lack of discipline and self-control out there. What are you trying to prove, Kaida?" he demands, getting straight to the point. I gape at him.

"P-prove? I did what you told us to" I argue and he shakes his head.

"At what cost? Your recklessness put your teammates in impossible positions. Your sister got herself hurt trying to back you and you charged ahead without thinking. You used too much of your quirk in a short amount of time and got yourself injured in the process. I don't know if you realized, but those pulses you were sending out there? You tossed around the entire field" he scolds and the revelation stops me cold. No. It's not possible. I have more control than that... I've trained for this. I shake my head.

"I couldn't have" I try but it comes out half hearted.

"You're lucky you had Ochaco and Asui on your team. They've been doing work together for the last two years and they've faced more real time battles than most their age. They were able to handle the corners you backed them into and they're why you won. At best, you were showing off. At worst? You were sabotaging your team without even the decency to realize it" he replies, a dark look in his eyes. I grit my teeth, thinking about that flag floating own out of the sky. He's right...

"You have talent, Kaida. You have real potential to be one of the top heroes when you get out of here but that will never happen if you can't control yourself and put your teammates before your pride" he finishes. I don't reply but when I look up, he's already walking away. I clench my fists, body shaking. Damn it. I slam my fist into the table I'm sitting on.

"Hey! Enough of that! I won't heal you again!" Recovery Girl warns and I rub my knuckles absently. So what if I wanted to prove myself? Prove that I could do it? They're why you won. So much for proving myself if that's the case, huh? I didn't win anything at all.


It's a few hours before Recovery Girl actually lets me get back to the dorms and as I walk back in the dark, I feel my anger swimming. I'm such an idiot. I'm smarter than that. Better than that. Shiori and I have been out in the real world, fighting real villains since we got our hero licenses and I've never put her in nearly as much danger as I did today. Even if it was fake danger, it was real enough to hurt her. That's on me. The guilt suffocates me as I make my way up the front steps to the dorm and it drives me insane.

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