Chapter Nine

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No one comes to see me over the weekend. In fact, the only person I see outside of Recovery Girl after my fight with my sister is Mr. Aizawa when he comes to admonish me about my behavior on the field. For the first time in my life, I didn't even argue with him. I just sat, numb and apathetic to the conversation before I just asked him to leave. I always knew my sister and I were the best at pushing each other's buttons... but I didn't think we'd ever be so far apart.

Now, as I lie on my bed, staring blankly up at the ceiling, I wonder if she feels differently. If she never saw the future I did. I look over to the photograph I have of our mother and shame burns through me. I tip the picture over, hiding our mother's face. I don't want her to see it... not after I let her down so much.

Knock, knock, knock.

I sit up and stare at the door, a strange feeling in my gut. Somehow I know it's not Shiori... but part of me wants it to be. Even if the greater part of me just wants her to stay away. I get up and open the door to see Midoriya standing there, an unsure expression on his face.

"What are you doing here?" I ask and I'm surprised by the deadness in my voice.

"I came to check on you..." he begins. I sigh, leaving the door open and walking back into my room to sit.

"I'm fine" I tell him, flexing my left hand as I remember the pain stabbing through it before.

"Have you eaten?" he asks me and I have to laugh a little.

"Eaten? I haven't even left my room" I reply. He winces, an infuriating look on his face.

"You should eat something" he tells me and I roll my eyes.

"I'm not going out there" I say shortly and he hesitates, piquing my interest only slightly.

"She's not... here anymore" Midoriya tells me and I'm hurt by the lack of surprise I feel. I look away from him, feeling like I'm shrouded in darkness.

"I know" I murmur, but I don't ask where she went. Shiori wouldn't give up on being a hero because of me... but she wouldn't stick around either. How much better does it get? Being a part of a class that has almost zero chance of running into me?

"Someone from 3-B helped her move her things over the weekend so... if that's what you're worried about..." he trails off.

"It's not" I interrupt, looking at him again. I sigh.

"Honestly, I want to be left alone, if that's cool with you" I add with a bit more force than I mean to. Midoriya pauses but eventually nods and goes to leave.

"Oh, Shoto..." he says at my door. I look up to see Todoroki and a weird feeling washes over me.

"Hey... can I come in?" he asks calmly. Midoriya looks back at me for permission and I just nod, trying not to give him a look.

"It's fine" I say and he gives me a half smile before leaving me and Todoroki alone.

"I'd offer you a drink but..." I shrug, gesturing around to my sparsely decorated room. He smiles a bit, taking a seat beside me on the bed.

"How are you feeling?" he wonders and I let out a lengthy sigh.

"I'm getting really tired of that question today" I reply and he nods.

"That makes sense... is there anything I can do to help?" he asks and I finally crack a little bit of a smile.

"I doubt it... no offense" I say and his smile widens a bit. Somehow the expression makes the cold feel just a little less harsh and I suddenly feel like melting into a puddle of tears.

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