Chapter Twenty

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The dance comes around faster than I expected, designed and planned by a few members on the school board, and as the sun sets, I find myself examining my reflection in the mirror relentlessly. Does the dress really look okay? Are the loose curls in my hair too much? Is my eyeliner symmetrical? Can I really pull off these shoes?

"Are you ready yet?" Jiro calls from outside my door, knocking impatiently. I sigh, nerves making me feel jittery and weird.

"I'm done" I say, opening my door and blushing with embarrassment. Jiro and Yaoyorozu both look me up and down, eyes wide.

"Whoa..." Yaoyorozu says and Jiro nods.

"It looks even better than it did in the store... like eat your heart out hot" she approves, nodding. Yaoyorozu beams, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"You're gonna kill it" she assures me, but looking at her, I'm not so sure. She looks stunning in a tight crimson dress, high neck, sleeveless, and flaring out near her knees in layers in true mermaid fashion. She looks like a goddess. And Jiro is as cute as ever, her own black and purple dress looking like a distant cousin to Ochaco's pink tutu. I frown.

"I am not cut out for this" I whine, but the girls don't dare to let me wallow. Yaoyorozu grabs my arm and pulls me after her, allowing Jiro to shut my bedroom door.

"Come on! We're already fashionably late" she says. I yelp, nearly tripping in a pair of heels I have no business wearing, but I keep following her, admittedly curious about the whole school dance affair.

"Slow down! I'm not used to these things!" I gripe, already worried about my stupid feet tripping over each other. Both Yaoyorozu and Jiro are kind to me though, both of them showering me with words of encouragement as we meet up with the rest of the girls and head out. Everyone looks so beautiful though that it's hard not to feel self-conscious. After all, Shoto could probably have any one of them that he wants... and Bakugo too for that matter. What's so special about me? I'm a thoughtless, hot headed, stubborn bull of a woman. What's not to love? I roll my eyes at myself.

"Do you ladies want a photo?" one of the teachers asks at the door to the gymnasium. Everyone agrees and Ochaco links her arm with mine, pulling me in close.

"Come on! Smile" she grins. I laugh a little, smiling as best as I can manage. I'm determined to have fun tonight, sharing in some semblance of a normal high school experience with my friends. Whatever else is going on... that'll have to wait. Once the flash goes off, everyone starts laughing and chatting excitedly as we make our way inside. I take a deep breath. I've never been to a school dance before... so here goes nothing.

When we enter the gym, it's almost like entering a different world. A smooth hardwood floor lays over top what used to be concrete and the ceiling is decorated beautifully with twinkle lights, gossamer ribbons, and a back drop that makes it seem like we're seeing the night sky. A few teachers line the walls and several round tables are placed strategically around the outskirts of the dance floor, beautiful white linen tablecloths draped over top and dressed up with deep purple table runners and gorgeous centerpieces. One long rectangular table houses refreshments and food so beautiful you'd almost be scared to eat it but the smell of it alone is so delicious it should be a crime.

"This is incredible" I breathe, barely audible over the music playing front and center.

"I know!" Ochaco gushes, looking around in awe. I grin, looking over at her and smiling a bit when I see her gaze settle on another point across the room. Midoriya looks back at her, face heated and gaze warm. I roll my eyes.

"You can go to him, you know" I tell her. She looks back at me in surprise, eyebrows raised.

"I couldn't! It's our girls' night remember?" she argues, but I can see it in her eyes that she really wants to. I laugh, shaking my head.

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