Chapter Twenty-Two

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"You're lucky none of those wounds killed you while you slept" Recovery Girl admonishes after a night of rest. She wasn't able to use her quirk to heal me when I first arrived since I expended all of my energy during my fight yesterday, but now, as my wounds stitch themselves together and the burning vanishes, I flex my limbs with a smile.

"Thanks, again" I say, earning a look.

"You're shaping up to be one of my regulars already" she complains with a sigh. I laugh sheepishly, scratching the back of my head.

"Sorry about that" I tell her. For a moment she just looks at me, a grave look on her face.

"Kaida... you have to know that you can't continue to push yourself to your absolute limit every time you fight. You're strong, that's true... but without the energy to heal, I may not be able to save you the next time you hurt yourself. The level of injuries this time..." she trails off, but I know what she's trying to say already. Even after regaining my energy overnight, her healing this morning already has me feeling like I can't keep my eyes open. I knew my injuries were bad but...

"The three of you had similar wounds when you came in here... but yours were far worse. That repeated trauma to your body and refusal to know when to quit is a dangerous habit, little girl" she adds. I don't say anything to the little girl comment, mostly because I know she's right. Yesterday, I didn't stop fighting, even for a second. I knew I was running out of time... I knew that I didn't have a whole lot left in me, but I needed to save my friends. I couldn't have stopped regardless of the effect it had on me. Maybe that mindset is dangerous for a hero... but it isn't something I can let go of that easily.

"I understand" I reply calmly, hoping she's not planning on trying to convince me. Recovery Girl sighs, eyeing me for only a moment longer.

"You're free to go then" she says and I nod, standing up and feeling a wave of dizziness. Whoa. I laugh nervously at Recovery Girl's quick glance and wave.

"See you next time" I chime, starting for the door. On my way out, I can't help but feel relieved to finally be going home and as I shut the infirmary door, I run into Shiori.

"Oh..." I say when she stops in front of me, eyes wide.

"Hi" she says suddenly, staring at me. I swallow.

"Hey" I reply, awkward silence falling between us. Tell her you miss her, idiot!

"You get hurt again?" she blurts. I let out a guilty laugh, face flushing.

"Yeah... but it's fine now. What about you? Why are you here?" I wonder. Her face burns an impressive red at the question and she looks away.

"I uh... I got injured... during training" she mumbles. I raise my eyebrows, trying to quell the worry that sparks within me.

"Oh, damn... um... you okay?" I wonder, but it doesn't look like she's hurt too seriously anywhere. She doesn't say anything and for a moment I think maybe I overstepped. I clear my throat.

"Right, sorry. I'll see you..." I start, pretty sure she just wants me out of her hair.

"I'm fine!" she blurts. I stare at her in surprise, not really sure what to do now. Things used to be so easy between us, but now... it feels like I'm talking to a stranger. I nod.

"I'm glad" I say, offering her as polite a smile as I can before taking my leave. Maybe Shiori's okay with all of this distance, but the more I talk to her like this, the worse I feel about it. I'd rather just leave her alone like she wants, so I do. I don't look back as I make my way out and head back to my dorm to change into my school uniform. If Shiori's happy this way, then that's what I'll do for her. I'll keep my distance and let her be for as long as she needs, even if it kills me. She told me back then that I was using her for my own gain and the words have haunted me ever since. It's part of why I push myself so hard, even with her gone. Maybe if she sees that I can go on without her there to push me, she won't feel so taken advantage of.

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