Chapter Thirty-Eight

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**DISCLAIMER - TW : This chapter contains themes involving violence, blood, abuse, and torture. Please proceed reading with caution or skip this chapter if this is something you are uncomfortable reading.

Aneurysm wastes no time pinning me against the wall behind us, pressing my chest firmly against the paint and yanking my hair up away from my neck. I cry out, struggling against his hold. No, please! Let me GO! I try to yank myself away from him, but his grip on me is even stronger than Juro's. Tears fill my eyes, panic and terror making my lower lip quiver.

"P-please!" I stammer, begging Juro to let me go. I can't remember ever begging anyone for anything my whole life, but I do it now, pleading with him. Please, don't do this. Please. I don't want it. My heart beats so hard and fast that it feels like it'll fall out of my chest, but Juro doesn't hesitate as he takes out a second syringe. My eyes widen, head screaming with the pain of being held in place.

"Stop! Stop!" I cry. I've never felt so helpless in my life and when Juro finally walks up to us, his eyes regard me with fascinated curiosity.

"Don't be so frightened, Kaida... things are about to get so much better for you" he murmurs. I gasp out a sob as Aneurysm yanks my head back, baring one of the most vulnerable parts of me.

"No!" I scream, voice wobbling, but it's no use. The needle plunges into my skin, biting into me and making me cry out. My eyes wheel around desperately as the solution bleeds into me, but there's nothing I can do... no stopping this. What do I do? My quirk is lying dormant inside of my worn out body and all I can do is tremble with fear. I can feel the solution permeating my body and coldness blooms just under my jaw, spreading quickly. My heart stalls, thudding so heavily that it makes me feel like I'm seeing double. I start to shake, my entire body vibrating with the sudden energy building inside it, and I gasp, doubling over as Aneurysm releases me. I fall to my knees. I can suddenly hear everything and nothing all at once, my tongue feels numb, and an intense pain floods into my face making me feel like I got hit by a truck. What's happening to me? It feels like my entire body is changing and growing... I cry out, lungs aching with the need to breathe, but I feel like I can't. What did he do? My wounds feel like they're mending themselves, stitching together in a mess of itching and burning, then, all at once, everything goes very suddenly still.

I'm hyper aware of the smooth, cool floor beneath my palms and the quiet sounds of everyone breathing around me. My body feels tight and poised, ready to snap like a rubber band, but... it feels strong. I blink, trying to remember what had me so panicked... to remember... what just happened...

"Kaida" Juro says and my head whips up towards him, eyes wide with this new power within me. When he meets my eyes, a smile breaks out over his face, a gleam in his gaze.

"How does it feel?" he breathes expectantly. I slowly sit back, the soreness and weakness completely gone from me, and I flex my hands, fingers curling into fists.

"I feel... strong..." I murmur. It's true, within me, I can feel my energy like a living and vibrant thing, flowing throughout my body like an unstoppable force. I can feel it just beneath the surface of my skin, sparking and thrumming like it's ready to burst out of me. It's... unexplainable.

"H-how?" I whisper, staring down at myself. Gone are the wounds that I had before and it seems like there's a faint glow to me, glistening over my skin almost like there's a light coming from inside.

"I was hoping you'd ask... it's a particular serum, developed from my own DNA to create the regenerative properties you've already experienced... as for the power? Well..." Juro's grin broadens, a crazy look in his eyes. I don't know why, but... I'm not as terrified of it as I was before.

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