Chapter Twenty-Six

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Ultimate Frisbee ends with a win on my team's side and the points just rack up. I lost a few during the match and so did some of my teammates, but what sinks my high is seeing my sister on the chopping block. I swallow hard. It wasn't her fault, after all, she's strong and more than capable of putting up a good fight but when it comes to sports that focus so hard on physical attributes, it puts her in a difficult situation. Especially surrounded by so many students with such physical quirks. I curse as they begin to announce the next round, chest aching for her. She should've made it at least this far and if there's anyone who knows that, it's me.

The next match is a tag team of sorts. Students who've made it to this round are pitted against each other in an all or nothing match, but each of us have our choice of partner from the students who were already cut. This way, they still get to showcase their talent without the ability to rack up any points, however, if they get too much of the spotlight, it can damage the points that the other student earns. This match is gonna be all about balance and when I'm met with the classmates that I have the option to team up with, I hesitate to choose. Depending on who I'm up against, a multitude of partners could help me advance, but who's going to be so versatile? Resilient?

"Hey, Kirishima?" I ask while we wait. He looks up at me curiously, brows raised.

"What's up, Ito?" he asks and I'm surprised by my nervousness in asking. Kirishima is one of the nicest guys I know and he's always hanging around Bakugo, but the two of us never really got to know each other. What I do know is that he's a strong fighter, skilled and passionate, but he's also insanely resilient to pretty much anything that can be thrown at him. I can rely on him as a partner.

"In the match... coming up..." I begin, not sure how to phrase it so it doesn't sound weird. He tilts his head at me, red hair flopping over. Jesus, he's like a puppy.

"You want me to be your partner?" he wonders and I smile sheepishly.

"Please?" I ask. Kirishima immediately laughs, grinning happily and standing up to playfully nudge me and wrap his arm around my shoulders, pulling me in tight.

"Why didn't you just say so?" he laughs, squeezing me. I grit my teeth against the force of his strength, eyes widening.

"Okay!" I wheeze, catching my breath when he lets me go. Holy hell. I feel both relieved and nervous now, hoping I've made the right choice. I obsess over it furiously for the next few minutes, anxiety gnawing away at my stomach as I wonder who am I facing. When they finally announce the teams, my heart sinks.

"Kaida Ito and Eijiro Kirishima against Hitoshi Shinsou and Shiori Ito!" Midnight calls out amidst the lineup and for a moment, I can't breathe. We aren't up first which puts my mind a bit at ease, but going up against my sister? Violent flashbacks of our last fight flit through my mind, making me wince. Can I really face her again? Can I keep my composure? Can I actually... fight her again? I don't know where she stands on all of this or how she feels about it. We shared a single moment on the field today... but is that enough? Is it possible to mend a bond that seems so broken? The nerves that shoot through me are enough to convince me otherwise so I decide I need a few minutes to myself, heading back to the waiting room for 3-A.

I shut the door behind me once I'm inside and plug in my headphones, hoping to lose myself in the music. It's okay, Kaida. You got this. I pace the room, stretching my limbs and trying not to focus on my nerves. I practice a couple punches, paying more attention to maintaining my heartbeat. I can do this. I pace once more around the room, finally feeling like I've psyched myself up enough to calm down, but when I turn back to the door, I see Shiori standing there in her P.E. uniform, expression earnest. She holds up a hand in an awkward wave and I pull out my ear buds, the music fading away.

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