Chapter Eighteen

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Hello? I sit up in what seems like a void, completely black, and I instinctively reach up to rub my head. Simultaneously, I realize my head doesn't hurt and my hand is wet. I reach back down to where I'm sitting, confused when my hand hits shallow water. What the hell? I stand, surprised by the lack of soreness in my body, but it seems like I'm alone here...

"Hello?" I call out, voice raspy.

"Kaida" an image of Shoto, smiling warmly, flashes before me before disappearing. My heart stops. What the hell is happening?

"Over here" Bakugo smirks, that same look in his eyes from before, but he disappears too. My heart races. What's going on?

"Guys?" I call out, trying to walk through the muck. My boots struggle through it and walking gets harder and harder. Come on! I start to sink.

"Help! Someone!" I shout, thrashing against the water as it pulls me in.

"I'm here!" their voices say. Bakugo and Shoto both appear, both of them reaching their hands out to me. Panic races through me as I try to claw my way back to them. Please... please help me... my heart slams against my rib cage and all I can see are their faces... their eyes... I reach out, instinctively throwing my hand out to catch one of theirs and the fear drains out of me. A hand grips me tight and pulls as hard as it can, dragging me out of the slime to face him... to face...

I gasp when I wake up, coughing violently as my lungs try to refill themselves with oxygen. My whole body aches, head throbbing and chest burning.

"Hey! Come on" I hear Bakugo say as he rolls me onto my side, rubbing my shoulder blades to bring some of the feeling back. I wince, breathing raggedly.

"What... what the hell happened?" I rasp, body shaking. We're still in the office, but the whole place is wrecked, torn to shreds by Aneurysm and whoever else might've been helping him. I struggle to sit up with Bakugo's help and one of the ceiling fixtures crashes to the floor.

"That asshole knocked us all out and destroyed the place. Left us to die as it goes down! We've gotta get out of here" he growls, lifting me up and throwing my arm over his shoulders. I groan with the pain.

"Where's everyone else? What about them?" I demand. Bakugo shakes his head, looking away from me as the building shakes and cracks around us. A pit opens in my stomach and fear gnaws at me.

"Bakugo, what happened?" I demand. He scoffs, dragging me over to the broken window and points down. Down below, I see almost everyone that was up here with us... safe. I shake my head.

"They left us?" I whisper and the anger only grows in Bakugo's eyes, flaring a vicious red.

"Icy hot didn't want to if that's what you're concerned about, but you weren't exactly alive, Kaida. You stopped breathing and when the rest of us woke up, Endeavor had to make a decision" he spits out, glaring out at them. Another rumble goes through the ceiling above us, threatening to cave in and my heart sinks.

"What about you?" I rasp as Bakugo tries to calculate how to get out of here, looking down the side of the building and making a noise of irritation under his breath.

"Do you have enough strength to hold onto me?" he demands, ignoring my question.

"What about you, Bakugo?" I ask more firmly, anger making my voice strong.

"Can you do it, Kaida?!" he barks.

"Tell me!" I shout, needing to know why he's still with me. He looks away from me, clearly pissed off and realizing that I'm stubborn enough to let us die for an answer to my question.

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