Chapter Thirty-Five

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Back at the agency, things are finally starting to feel like they're getting back to normal with me, Bakugo, Shoto, and Deku and we're all finally assigned another mission together. Since we're so close to graduation and well passed our licensing exams, we've been entrusted with a lot lately and today isn't any different. Despite the increasing threat that the masked villains are posing, Endeavor sends the four of us on another patrol of one of their rumored safe houses.

On the way there, I find myself vibrating with nerves, my entire body tense and unsettled. It only makes me more irritated. I hate feeling so powerless to my own emotions.

"Are you alright?" Shoto asks me, hanging back a beat. I let out a breath, keenly aware of Bakugo's shoulders tensing.

"The last time I fought them... I don't know. I don't know what they want exactly, but I have this sinking feeling..." I say, shaking my head. Shoto tilts his head, curious.

"Feeling of what?" he wonders and my stomach tightens with anxiety. I can't explain it, can't even begin to understand why, but part of me feels like it has something to do with... me. Even more than before.

"I just..." I grit my teeth, feeling somehow unable to say it aloud. I should say it. I should be honest and warn them, but part of me wants to keep that fear to myself. I want to keep it bottled up inside both to protect myself from something that might not even be real and to protect them... if they know that the villains are after me... they'll try to protect me. They won't let me fight or go off alone... they won't let me do the protecting.

"It's nothing" I finish and though I receive looks from everyone in the group, no one presses me on the matter. They all know by now not to and I'm thankful. The rest of the way there, the lot of us are mostly silent, anxiety almost tangible in the air around us. 

When we arrive, the place isn't nearly as worn down or abandoned as all of our past tip off locations and I'm surprised by the shockingly clean business front. The glass is freshly polished, the handle on the door cool and sturdy as we walk inside, and when we walk up to the front desk, a short slight girl with short vibrant orange hair and matching eyes looks up at us in interest.

"Can I help you?" she asks curiously, tilting her head slightly. She's small and pixie-like almost, startlingly pretty and yet... her gaze is piercing and wickedly intelligent. It's unnerving.

"Actually..." Shoto begins, but the girls eyes land on me and stay there, almost like she's working through a mental math problem.

"Kaida Ito" she says, interrupting Shoto and causing everyone to freeze. I swallow, even more uneasy under her gaze.

"How do you know my name?" I ask her, but she just hops up from her desk, grabbing a cup on her way and taking a sip out of a purple straw before motioning for us to follow.

"This way" she says, gait carefree and easy as she brings us to an elevator and presses a button, waiting for the door to open. We all follow her suspiciously, but it doesn't seem like we have much of an option. When the doors open, we all squeeze in and it leaves a vaguely familiar and uncomfortable taste in my mouth. This time I'm pressed up next to Bakugo though, my arm resting against his, and as my hand dangles, his fingers brush against mine. A soft and simultaneously insistent reminder that he's here. I try not to smile. When the doors finally open again, the girl all but skips out of the elevator and down the hall towards a set of enormous office doors. Both of my eyebrows go up in surprise when she disappears inside and the four of us look at each other.

"Are we supposed to follow her?" I ask, Deku's face changes though and I can see the seriousness in all of these boys' faces. We could be walking into a trap. The four of us prepare ourselves, each of us on high alert as we make our way down the hall. When we get to the doors, we open one of them slowly... as we enter, we immediately see the blonde villain sitting at a large desk, hands clasped together and green eyes regarding us in amusement.

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