Chapter Thirty-One

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After the school trip ends, all of us are shipped back off to school, most of us as rejuvenated and relaxed as ever, but once we return, it's nose back to the grind stone without pause. I immediately throw myself into note taking, knowing full well that it's the only way I'll survive these dumbass classes and even as we sit down to lunch, I have my notebook out so I can finish my thought.

"Still taking notes?" Shiori asks, eyebrows raised in surprise. I make a noise of confirmation as I try to get settled, sweet bun dangling between my teeth so I don't have to hold it. Now that Shiori and I are on speaking terms again, we're finally able to sit together at lunch. It's been the best part of my day already, even if Barney has to tag along. He eyes me in moderate distaste as I finally get my belongings in order, bag hanging on the back of my chair and notebook settled open next to my lunch tray. I take the bite out of my sweet bun finally and swallow.

"I kinda have to" I reply, examining the last note I made. What were we talking about? Shit... my mind went blank again. I tap my pen furiously against my chin, trying to will the lesson to reappear.

"Yeah, she's been working really hard this semester" Ochaco informs her helpfully as she takes her seat beside Deku. Asui, Ashido, and Iida join us too, the five of them comfortably assimilating themselves into the new normal between Shiori and I.

"Between training and note taking, I don't know how she has any time for herself" Mina adds. I roll my eyes, still trying to focus.

"She's got the right idea. A true hero knows the value of a decent education" Iida replies, earning scattered giggles. Even I smirk.

"The book's almost full..." Shiori notes and when I look up at her, she's smiling a little, a funny look in her eyes. I shrug.

"I write a lot" I tell her, taking another bite of the bun and focusing on the pages again. Okay, it's not that hard... just think about where the conversation was heading... what did she say? I'm so absorbed by my own failing memory that I hardly notice the chair next to me being pulled out, that is, until the entire table falls silent. I look up, pausing with surprise when I see Bakugo taking a seat, followed by Kirishima and Kaminari. No one speaks.

"Hi..." I say, feeling suddenly flustered. Bakugo looks over at my notes immediately, one eyebrow raised.

"What's that?" he asks, as if him being in the lunchroom, let alone sitting next to me, is perfectly normal behavior for him. I blink.

"Notes from our last class..." I reply, still taken aback. He stares at it for a minute before reaching across me.

"You're missing something" he tells me, grabbing my notebook and pen before completing the last part of the notes I was taking. My face heats. I have no idea what to do here or even how to react, but he hands my notebook back without a fuss and takes out his own food. Kirishima and Kaminari just kind of look at each other and shrug before doing the same and when I look back at my friends, they're all gaping at me. I look at Shiori, at a loss and she just stares at me in what might be anticipation. I swallow. What the fuck am I supposed to do with this?

"What are you, sick?" Bakugo demands suddenly, making me jump. I shake my head.

"What? No. Why?" I ask and he points at my food, making a face.

"Eat" he orders. I don't know why my whole body feels jittery with nerves, but my hands shake as I do what he says. Is this what it's going to be like from now on? Bakugo... eating with me?

"Thanks for the help by the way" I say before taking a bite, wondering if I'm supposed to be making small talk. He just shrugs, eating his own food.

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