Chapter Thirty-Six

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**DISCLAIMER : TW - Blood, violence, gore.

Shiori's rescue group is comprised of me, Shinsou, Deku, Bakugo, Shoto, Endeavor, the pro hero known as Hawks, Mr. Aizawa and a few other pro heroes that I've hardly gotten to know in the time that I've been here. It's a rag tag team and there wasn't a lot of time to put it together, but Endeavor's and Hawks' agencies were two of the front runners in the masked villain investigation and that put my team at an enormous advantage.

"Be wary. Juro sent us the location where Shiori's being held for a reason and I can assure you, it wasn't a show of good faith" Aizawa warns, dropping his yellow head piece down over his eyes. I haven't been able to wipe the intense scowl off of my face since we left the school, but I nod.

"It's likely a trap for anyone that walks inside. We need to be vigilant" Endeavor agrees. I clench my fists, ready to go inside already. Juro apparently reached out to Hawks' agency after he captured Shiori with a location and a letter of warning issued. The tip off lead us into an industrial park with several tall buildings under construction and plenty of places to hide. He's playing games.

"You five stay out here while we scout the first building. We'll find her" Aizawa swears, mostly looking at me. I glare at him, gritting my teeth. He won't let me follow him... but part of me knows I won't have to. The five of us let them go and my teammates each seem satisfied with staying on alert, searching for any obvious signs of activity, but Shinsou and I both are crawling out of our skin.

"We're just going to sit here?" he snaps, casting an accusing glare at me. I glower back, the ferocity of the gaze surprising even to me.

"Of course not" I bark back, earning an expectant look.

"K-Kaida...? I know you want to find her. I know the feeling, but... we can't go in there without a plan" Deku says, expression serious. I glare back at him. He says he understands...but how could he? What could he know? About this?

"I won't lose her" I growl. He swallows, unsure how to approach this version of me.

"We'll get her back. But what's your plan, dumbass? Go in there and start blowing apart the building? What if you get her hurt?" Bakugo demands, eyeing me like I'm a petulant child. I glare even harder at him, mad that he's not even close to phased by it.

"I don't-"

"Look..." Shoto says, interrupting my argument. When I look up, I see a piece of paper fluttering down from the sky. I reach for it instinctively and when I catch it, the words scrawled over the front of it make my stomach drop.

Top floor. Building three.

My eyes widen and I know for certain that this is Juro's doing. That he wants me to come for her. I clench my teeth, immediately zeroing in on the third building and crushing the paper in my fist.

"What is it?" Shoto asks, but I keep staring.

"We're going" I say, my voice hard and cold. Juro might be the immortal villain... but I'll kill him if it's the last thing I ever do. I start forward and my team follows, no one pausing to question me. Smart of them.

The bottom floor of the building we enter is desolate and empty, the floors coated with sawdust and grime that crunches under our feet as we walk. We're all on high alert, my teammates acting as my eyes and ears in all of my blind spots.

"We should split up" I say quietly and all heads swivel towards me in surprise. I don't budge.

"We don't know how many of his friends are here or what they'll be able to accomplish if they back us all into a corner. Our best shot at getting Shiori out of here alive is making sure their attention is divided" I explain. Even to me, it sounds a bit sloppy, but I know what needs to be done. Shoto's the one who nods.

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