Chapter Sixteen

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Over the next few days, I throw myself into training all aspects of this new side of my quirk and I try to focus on avoiding both of the men in my life. At this point, I know my radio silence must be confusing to Todoroki, but how can I look at him after feeling like I might combust at the sight of Bakugo? How can I pretend that didn't happen? For a while, focusing on my abilities is a fitting way to avoid everything but today, it's harder. Today's our day off.

After a few hours in my room, trying to prevent any accidental run-ins, hunger finally wins and I start for the kitchen, eyes peeled for any sightings. I successfully manage to get downstairs without incident and almost even feel victorious when a voice stops me in my tracks.

"Kaida?" I freeze at the edge of the kitchen, eyes wide and chest aching.

"Dad?" I breathe, seeing him standing there with Aizawa. I look between them, eyes stinging with unshed tears. Seeing my father here reminds me of all that's happened since we arrived... me and Shiori... the memories of mom. For the first time since I was a little girl, I begin to cry, racing into my father's arms and losing myself in my tears. My father hugs me back and for a moment, I can pretend that he's just the same way he used to be. My personal hero growing up who always brushed off scraped knees and encouraged me to the most vibrant person I could be. The father who could be strong for his family.

"What is it?" he asks softly, face full of worry when I pull away. He wipes my cheek with his thumb and makes a face, kind of like the ones he used to make after I'd get in fights at school. The face that's ready to listen. So I talk. My father and I sit and I tell him all about how much pressure I've been under here and all the trouble I've gotten myself into. I tell him about the new developments with my quirk and the new ring of villains we're trying to investigate. I tell him almost everything... except for why I'm really crying.

"I saw Shiori earlier" he tells me after some time, eyes examining my face as he says it. My face doesn't change though. Long gone are the tears from the moment he first got here, instead, I shrug, offering him a tired glance.

"Yeah? What'd she say?" I wonder and he sighs heavily. I frown. I can smell the spearmint on his breath and I can tell he's trying, but he's been drinking again. Even spearmint can't hide the smell of sake.

"She wouldn't say much... but I can tell she's upset. Why aren't the two of you together?" he asks, expression pleading. My gut twists and just like always, I know what I have to do. I swallow the truth and put on my best smile, grabbing Dad's hand reassuringly.

"It's nothing, papa. Shiori's got a lot on her plate too with hero training and she and I decided we needed to learn separately for a while. Neither of us can be the best if we're always relying on each other, right?" I lie, grinning like it's the most natural thing in the world. Dad relaxes visibly and smiles back, eyes betraying just how fragile he is now.

"You girls worry me... you know your mother would never want you to be apart" he says and the comment feels like a slap. I smile through it anyway, knowing he means well.

"I know, dad" I murmur, releasing his hand.

"Hey, Kaida!" Bakugo's irritated voice interrupts as he rounds the corner. I jump, eyes widening when I see him and he halts where he is, looking between my father and me. Damn it.


"Hello! I'm Ito, Akio" my father introduces himself, unable to perceive even the slightest amount of tension. I stiffen as Bakugo enters the kitchen and bows his head in greeting.

"Nice to meet you" he says, surprising me a bit with his sudden manners.

"Please, sit with us. You're a friend of Kaida's?" Dad asks, smiling warmly. Mortification washes over me. No. Please, no.

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