Chapter Forty-Three

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On the day of our graduation, Shiori and I both walk the stage with pride and the joy that courses through me is one that has been unmatched thus far. In the crowd of proud parents and friends, I can see my father, better than he's looked in years, smiling and waving. Grandpa stands beside him, much smaller than I ever remembered him being, but he's smiling too. We did it. The last few days have been spent with a bundle of nerves in my stomach as we all tried to prepare for today, but as I stand with all of my friends, my sister by my side, and a graduation robe draped over my shoulders, I feel nothing but the rush of success.

"Congratulations, heroes. You passed" Aizawa announces and he's met by cheers and eruptions of laughter. Everyone around me howls in celebration and I throw my hands up with them.

"We did it!" Shiori cheers. I grin at her, smile wider than it's ever been.

"We did" I agree. I feel like I'm on top of the world. From here, we can go anywhere. From here... there are plenty of pro heroes in attendance today too, most of them here to support their own students, and in the back I can see a towering Endeavor. I smile at him, finding that I hope he's proud of me. Somewhere in there, underneath all of his grumpiness and anger, I hope he can find the room... to be proud of both of us. I look over at Shoto and as if sensing my stare, he looks back at me, smiling kindly.

Once the ceremony ends, all of us are swept up in the exit, each of us finding our families and sharing in the joy of our latest achievements. Dad hugs me and Shiori, tearing up with pride and Grandpa goes on and on about all the things we'll need to watch out for now that we'll be out on our own.

"Are you sure you two don't want to stay with me for a while? I'm sure your father wouldn't mind" Grandpa says, smiling warmly. Shiori and I both grin at him then each other.

"We're sure, Gramps" I reply and Shiori nods.

"Besides, we already had all of our stuff moved to the new place. All that's left is to get it inside and unpack it once we get there" she adds. Grandpa just sighs.

"Well, alright" he concedes and Dad smiles.

"Do you girls need any help with that?" he wonders and we both shrug.

"Sure, Dad" Shiori agrees and I nod.

"Yeah, that would be great! But, we were gonna head out with everyone after for a bite. Did you two wanna come?" I wonder, but Dad shakes his head, chuckling a bit.

"I should get Grandpa home before too long, then I'll just wait for you at your place" he assures us. My heart squeezes, but I'm glad he's here and glad he'll be spending some time with us at home too.

"Oh wait, here. I'll give you my keys so you can at least wait inside" I say, fishing them out of my pocket. Shiori frowns at me.

"Seriously?" she demands. I laugh.

"What? Now I don't have to carry a purse" I say, sticking my hands back into the shockingly deep pockets of my dress. Shiori smirks.

"Because purses are so heavy" she says. I make a face at her.

"I don't like carrying things" I insist and she laughs this time. I grin. Things finally feel normal between us, but somehow, a better kind of normal. A healthier one.

"Okay, girls. Don't be too late and be safe" Dad says and the two of us nod, hugging him and our grandfather goodbye before we leave with most of our class. On the way out, we all chat excitedly and Shiori and I both manage to find our respective dates. Shinsou blends in easily, reaching down to grab Shiori's hand and looking into her eyes with a softer look than I've ever seen him wear. I roll my eyes, looking back at my own date and smiling at him. Damn, he's hot.

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