Chapter Fourteen

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The next day at the agency, I'm immediately called into Endeavor's office and once I'm inside, I pace nervously. It's not like I didn't know this was going to happen after I directly disobeyed him, but that doesn't mean I'm not anxious about it.

"Kaida" Endeavor says when he enters and I stop pacing instantly. Endeavor's face looks like it's carved out of stone so I keep completely quiet, trying not to piss him off any more than usual.

"You can relax. I'm not dismissing you" he says after a moment, walking over to his desk and taking a seat. I visibly deflate.

"Oh thank god" I breathe, feeling like a weight's just been lifted off my shoulders.

"Don't get too excited. You're still in hot water" he snaps, pinching the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger.

"I did my best with the heroes association and the school. So far as I know, no punishment is getting ready to befall you, however, you will be expected to behave perfectly from here on out" he finishes, levelling a serious gaze at me. I swallow.

"Like probation?" I wonder and he scoffs, an annoyed look on his face.

"Something like that" he confirms and I shake my head. Damn it. I can't afford something like this.

"I won't thank you outright" Endeavor says suddenly and I blink at him, both confused and irritated by the comment.

"What you did was thoughtless, reckless, and almost cost me more than you realize. But... it's also that exact drive that makes a hero. Regardless of the forces around you, you fought for what you believed to be the right thing without fail" he adds. Pride surges through me like flames and I have to fight to keep a smile off my face. Endeavor never dishes out compliments.

"Thank you" I try to say seriously, but he's not having it.

"Get out" he replies shortly. I still smile on the way out though, feeling like he's really on my side for once. It's an oddly warm feeling. I walk out of Endeavor's office with a newfound confidence and motivation to do better. Even with probation hanging over my head, having the support of the number one hero is an irreplaceable high and I burn with it all the way through the office until I see Todoroki heading this way.

"Hey" he says, noticing me even as I turn around to avoid him. I smile a little too widely and turn around, holding up a hand to wave.

"Oh, hey... didn't see you there" I say, trying to recover, but Todoroki's already giving me an odd look. Yikes. Things haven't been this awkward between us since before we started training together.

"Are you okay?" he asks and I feel like fainting. Did he hit his head? Or did he just forget that I laid one on him yesterday? Or worse, maybe it wasn't even that memorable. Ugh. The thought of it makes me want to sink into a hole.

"I'm definitely fine" I assure him.

"Good, because I was thinking..." he begins, reaching forward and grabbing one of my hands. The action is so casual it almost seems effortless, but my heart slams against my ribcage and all I can do is just stare at him as he talks. A small smile plays on his lips and his eyes hold mine without faltering.

"After our work study today... would you want to go do something with me?" he asks. I freeze, unprepared for the question I definitely have to ask him.

"Like... a date?" I wonder nervously and he laughs, a bit of color coming to his cheeks.

"Yeah... like a date" he nods, reaching up to scratch the back of his neck. I bite my lip. He looks so nervous all of a sudden and the sight of it makes me want to kiss him again.

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