Chapter Thirty-Nine

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The next time I feel myself waking up, I hear the calamity around me first. Shouting, crashing, and breaking... the faint sound of explosions in the distance... I don't open my eyes yet, chest aching at the thought. It can't be... it can't be real. The amount of times I've dreamt about it... hoped for it even though I know I shouldn't... a sudden bang crashes into the door of the room I'm in, rattling the floor and I open my eyes, forcing my head up to see and trying to stop it from falling again. Reverti gets up quickly, running to face them as my limbs shiver with weakness. No... I can see her activating her quirk as the door bursts open, a thick and mostly invisible wall expanding out of her rapidly. My heart thunders in my chest, the faintest amount of stored up energy rearing its head finally. Not today.

I shout as my pulse tears out of my chest, the pain of it making my entire body shudder with agony as thick ropes of energy envelope Reverti's body. She gasps, whipping around to stare at me in shock before I slam her as hard as I can into the floor. The ground cracks, a fissure opening up in the marble that stretches all the way to my knees, and Reverti falls limply against it, eyes finally closed. I gasp, my energy dissipating almost instantly and my body twitching with the effort. It's hard to look up again, but I can't help it. I need to see them. Endeavor's face is the first one that comes into view and I never thought I'd be so happy about that. His eyes widen when he enters the room, the look on his face almost offensive and I open my mouth to speak, but no sound comes out. Damn it... this must look bad.

"In here!" he shouts, prompting a small group of heroes to enter the room. I see so many people I recognize, Deku, Shoto, Midnight... Iida and Suneater... Fatgum... and... my eyes widen as much as they can with the way they are, the wounds on my face stretching and stinging as they reopen. Katsuki... his face when he looks at me rips through my chest. I don't even see anyone else, I just see him. The horror in his eyes... the anger and the pain... I try to reach out to him, but my restrained arms are shot and the attempt makes pain lance through my entire body. I slump again, unable to move. Shit...

"Get her free! Watch the door! We don't have much time!" Endeavor orders, but I can't watch anymore as my restraints are undone and my arms fall limply to my sides. I cry out, my shoulders burning with the release. I can't even feel my arms from the elbows down, but everything else feels like it's exploding with sharp and stabbing pains as I slump forward, groaning when someone catches me and lifts me from the ground. I lie against them limply, body broken and useless. I try to open my eyes, but I can't see anything... still I smile a little, a hysterical feeling making my chest ache.

"You came..." I whisper, throat aching. I feel the tears falling over my cheeks, but I can't stop them. I just smile, feeling finally safe. They came... my body finally gives up and I can feel the days of pain I've tried to ignore washing over me all at once. I try to move or even grit my teeth against it, but I feel completely paralyzed. My head falls limply back and my heart stutters... all of the pain... all of the exhaustion... I don't think I can take it anymore. I can feel my breathing growing shallower and my skin growing colder by the second... wait... everything starts to sound so far away and even the pain is starting to subside. I feel my lips twitch, another small involuntary smile.

Kaida...? Kaida! Hey! Come on! I can hear Katsuki's voice distantly and there's a small bit of warmth at my fingertips. I try to hold onto it, try to keep it close, but everything is swallowed by darkness again and the warmth disappears, leaving me all alone.


She's been out a long time...

...doctors weren't sure if she'd pull through...

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