Chapter Thirty-Three

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Hiroto is a strong fighter. From what I understand about her quirk so far, it's some sort of wind/air manipulation that she uses. Still, where there should be limits to what she can do, she doesn't seem to have any of them and holding my own against her has been next to impossible. I struggle to stand now, rasping in breaths from the barrage of suffocation attacks as she dives at me from the sky again, using the wind to carry her. My body feels weak, my heartbeat not as easy to control... truthfully, I could force out some pretty powerful attacks, but that would cost me energy I don't have. If I try to expend it all now... I won't be able to make it to Bakugo. I'm already on unsteady legs when it comes to that, but I can't give up.

"I won't let you win" I growl breathlessly, holding up my shaking hands in front of me and sweeping one of my legs back to help me keep my balance. My heart rate isn't as strong as it was before so the energy burning through me now is less solid than I'd like. It doesn't matter. I have to keep fighting. Hiroto laughs, flashing a wide grin full of teeth as she comes at me like a harpy. I take a deep breath and release my energy, watching it pour into her wave after wave. She fumbles backward through the air, trying to stay upright, but my energy blasts her over and over again, making it difficult for her to get her bearings. Maybe the energy I have when my heartbeat slows isn't as useless as I thought. I might be able to make more solid and precise attacks when I can get my heart rate up, but for moments like this? Having a more widespread attack is actually beneficial. It feels like we've been going at this for hours, but just when I feel like I've won, something snakes around my neck and pulls, biting into my skin. I yelp, stumbling to my knees as the familiar strands of barbed wire tighten around me. No... damn it... I can't fight off two of them by myself. They're too strong.

"Easy... Razor..." a voice says and my eyes widen as he circles around to stand in front of me. He doesn't wear a mask this time and I can see that he's far younger than I originally thought, blonde hair styled away from his face and green eyes shining even in the darkness. My heart stalls, fear making my stomach clench and body shake. Hiroto lands in the distance, staring at me furiously. The razor wire relaxes, but it's still tight enough to cut. I wince.

"Wh-what do you want?" I manage through gritted teeth, wishing I wasn't so terrified. Something about this guy unsettles me more than anything I've ever experienced... he smiles, regarding me with interest.

"I have to say... I thought it'd be harder to get you alone" he admits, making my blood run cold.

"What do you want with me?" I growl. Where are the pro heroes? Where are my friends when I need them? Was this their plan all along? Don't tell me... it was me they were after...

"I'd planned on having this conversation much later, but, it seems fate is on my side. Don't you think?" the blonde muses. Fury washes over me. He's toying with me.

"I'll destroy you" I snarl in a whisper. My body is exhausted and my lungs ache with how much I've been heaving, but I refuse to back down. I refuse to be his prey. I don't care how powerful he is. He chuckles, a venomous light in his eyes.

"That's what I'm so intrigued by. Your tenacity" he breathes. I glare at him, allowing my body to relax so I can focus on my energy instead. My heart speeds up in my chest and I can feel the energy rolling over me. Without anyone attacking me directly... I have enough time to regain my control.

"You've seen what my team can do, gone up against them and lived to tell the tale. You're a powerful warrior, don't get me wrong, but isn't there more to be had? Aren't you curious? About your untapped potential?" he asks, eyeing me the way an appraiser might eye a rare gem. I only glare harder.

"I'm not interested in anything you have to offer" I spit and he laughs, a full on belly aching laugh that rots me to my core. I take a deep breath... focus, Kaida. As my pulse climbs, I let it unravel out of my body, whipping around me like a hurricane and snatching the villains with it. Hiroto goes flying, slamming into a tree and digging her fingers into it to stay upright, the blonde hurtles off to the side, disappearing into the foliage, and Razor behind me gets thrown around too, yanking the thread of razors with him before it disintegrates. I cry out as it slices across my neck allowing blood to seep down over my chest and into my shirt. It wasn't a deep enough cut to kill, but the blood loss might get me if I let it go on long enough. Still, that should give me plenty of time to escape... or at least to find other heroes. I leap up and launch myself into the air, wincing with every movement as I use my energy to propel me through the trees at a much faster rate. Come on... come on!

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