Chapter Seven

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"Jesus... what did you do, Kaida?" Shiori asks me once we've returned back to the dorms and changed into our regular clothes. I look back towards the sofa where Todoroki is sitting and meet his eyes for just a moment, remembering the way the ice bloomed over my skin.

"Ow!" I hiss when Shiori pulls my hand under the running water in the kitchen sink and she shakes her head at me. It feels like it's been a while since we've gotten to really talk about anything and looking at her now, I feel the need to start a conversation that has nothing to do with hero work.

"So... I overheard the girls talking" I begin and she eyes me skeptically.

"And?" she inquires, still focusing on the task at hand. I purse my lips.

"And, this Shinsou guy is a thing?" I ask and her eyes widen.

"I'm sorry, what?" she replies. I give her a flat stare.

"You're into him, aren't you?" I demand, feeling jaded that she wouldn't share something like that with me. She makes a face.

"God, no. I don't even know the guy" she insists. I roll my eyes. That is so like Shiori. Our whole lives she's been unbelievably dense when it comes to romantic feelings. Still, I can't say that I'm upset about it... not if it means she won't get herself into needless relationships without thinking. Not like me.

"Why's your face red, then?" I ask, trying to get a rise out of her. Her eyes widen again and she squeezes my hand a little, making me shout in pain.

"Jesus!" I hiss and she shakes her head.

"Why can't you ever be careful?" she tsks, observing my wounds and shifting the conversation back. Realizing she doesn't want to talk about it anymore, I don't push the subject. Instead, I shrug, thinking about the woman in the street. I smile a little, thinking about the way I moved her to safety.

"You don't get it... I saved someone today. She went from terrified to just... not. In seconds she was more concerned about me getting thrown through a window than what might happen to her and honestly? I can't say I'd change that" I admit, pride and gratitude swirling through me all at once. When I look at Shiori, her gaze is fixed on something behind me but she shakes her head immediately, looking back at me with disapproval written all over her face.

"I'm so glad you enjoy getting thrown through windows, but I really don't enjoy picking up your pieces afterwards" she grumbles, grabbing some gauze from the counter and wrapping both of my wrists and the bottom parts of my palms in a thin layer.

"There... now they won't get infected" she tells me and I give her an odd look.

"You know, recovery girl could've..."

"You get to heal like a normal person when you act like an idiot!" she snaps and I blink. Okay. Wasn't expecting that.

"Yikes, okay captain" I say and she rolls her eyes, obviously still agitated with me.

"Kaida, can I speak with you privately?" Iida asks, appearing at the edge of the kitchen. Shiori shrugs when I look at her, unconcerned.

"Sure" I reply and I follow him a little ways down the hall towards the stairs. Pretty much everyone's taken to calling us by our first names here since the last name thing was getting confusing, but somehow Iida makes it sound just as formal.

"Kaida, forgive me if it seems that I'm overstepping my bounds, but as class representative, I feel that it is my duty to talk to you about the way you've been handling yourself in combat" he says as soon as we come to a stop, all business. I blink at him, a little confused.

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