Chapter One

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The day our mother died, I was on a metro home from a concert I wasn't allowed to go to. I'd dragged my twin sister, Shiori with me, thinking that her presence once we arrived home would soften the blow.

"My girls! I need my girls!" our father cried, shouting in his native Japanese when we arrived and pulling us both into an embrace. I remember that he was crying... shoulders shaking. I didn't know what to do or what was happening. In fact, neither of us could get a clear answer out of anyone until we saw her emerge. Our mother came out of our house for the last time on a stretcher, her body covered with a long white sheet, soaked through with blood. I remember Shiori's fingernails digging into my forearm. I remember a stinging in my eyes and a raw scraping feeling in my gut. Mom...

"Kaida?" Shiori's voice drags me out of my memories as we walk towards the entrance of the prestigious UA High School.

"I'm ready" I assure her, sensing her thoughts. She takes my hand and smiles one of her signature Shiori smiles.

"Come on. Dad already spoke with principal Nezu. We should be able to get straight to homeroom" she tells me, an excited look in her eyes despite everything. Shiori's never been great with new things, but when it comes to my moods, she's always been the first to cheer me up and silence my anxieties.

"Can you even read this map? It looks like it was drawn by a first grader" I mutter, pulling out the crudely labeled sheet. Shiori eyes it only a moment before dragging me straight ahead.

"You've really gotta practice your kanji" she admonishes. I roll my eyes, trotting after her as I squint at the same map she translated effortlessly.

"I can read kanji. Just not when it's written so sloppily. Seriously, did a cat do this?" I gripe. Shiori giggles, shaking her head at me as we finally arrive outside of class 3-A. We both pause, a collective bundle of nerves passing between us like electricity.

"Ready?" she whispers and I can tell she's worried.

"Ready" I confirm in a low voice. I look over at my sister and find myself suddenly self-conscious. Where she's all petite lean limbs, clean pressed uniform clothes, and striking ruby hair, I'm all curves jutting out of a wrinkled skirt, and washed out blonde curls. How we shared the same womb at the same time is a damn mystery.

"Open the door, dumbass" she hisses and I blink. Right.

"Ito" Mr. Aizawa says as soon as the door begins to open, calling us by our last name. It's customary in Japan, but I'm still not used to it. Here we go.

Class 3-A is full of an array of semi-familiar faces. These were the kids who faced off with one of the world's most notorious villains after all, but seeing them in person has a different effect on me. I honestly can't tell if I'm more nervous or determined.

"Sir, if I could" a taller guy with blue black hair and thin framed glasses stands up suddenly, posture rigid. Mr. Aizawa eyes him with a disinterested stare before just sort of nodding and ignoring us completely. I blink at him but it's not long before the blue haired boy darts in front of us, meeting our gazes and prattling off in Japanese so quickly, I'm almost surprised either of us can catch it all.

"As the class representative of class 3-A, I, Tenya Iida, would like to welcome you to UA High School" he announces loudly. I blink at him and then at my sister. Is this guy for real? Shiori just smiles warmly, ignoring my stare.

"Shiori Ito, nice to meet you" she says, holding out a hand. There's a brief and awkward moment of silence before he tentatively takes it and shakes it stiffly. I raise my eyebrows.

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