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One of the Mandalorians held a chain connected to my cuffs as we flew towards the prison. It wasn't the greatest idea on their part, but, fortunately for them, I wanted to regroup with Obi wan.

We caught up with the speeder at the prison just as the guards were leading Obi wan to the door. They stopped as we landed lightly next to them.

One of the guards chuckled. "Two Jedi in one day, that has to be some kind of record."

"Just get them inside." Another ordered annoyedly.

A blast shot through the sky and collided with one of the guard's backs. A group of blue and grey armored Mandalorians flew into view, landing among the Deathwatch and quickly dispatching them.

The leader pulled Obi wan's lightsaber from one of the guard's belt and cut his bonds. One of the others did the same with mine.

I rubbed my wrists as I accepted the weapons. "Thank you."

He stared at my lightsabers. "I've never seen an orange lightsaber before."

I shrugged. "I'm a special case."

We walked over to Obi wan and who I now recognized as Bo-Katan.

She handed Obi wan a jet pack. "You know how to fly one of these things?"

"No," he admitted, "but in this case I'm a fast learner."

She looked at me. "And you already have one, so I assume you do."

I nodded, meeting her gaze.

She narrowed her eyes as if remembering something, but then she turned to face the edge.

We jumped off, propelling ourselves through the air towards the docks.
I landed beside Obi wan in a transition between the dome of the city and the outside landing bays. The door opened.

An explosion nearly threw me backwards and blaster shots flew in every direction.

"Woah, Maul must really want you dead." Bo-Katan stood beside us.

"You have no idea." Obi wan replied.

We rushed through the chaos to a nearby ship that waited for us.

We were halfway up the ramp when Obi wan stopped. "You're Satine's sister aren't you."

Bo-Katan didn't reply.

"I'm so sorry." He proceeded into the ship.

I turned to follow him.

"Lianna." The Mandalorian's voice caught me off guard. "You've picked a good Master."

I faced her and grinned. "So, you do remember."

"You're hard to forget." She smiled. "Now go."

I entered the ship as the ramp pulled upward and the chaotic scene beyond was replaced by the ship's metal walls.

When I turned around, Obi wan was staring at me. "You know Bo-Katan?"

I nodded. "She's... an old friend."

He stroked his beard. "Why did you come with me?"

I scoffed as if it were obvious. "I didn't want you doing this alone."

He raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure that's the ONLY reason?"

I sighed. "Fine, I saw the Mandalorians' red armor in Satine's message and I knew something was up. No Mandalorian clan wears red armor." I shrugged. "And I wasn't entirely fond of the idea of an outsider ruling Mandalore."

Obi wan stared into the middle-distance thoughtfully. "You're a Mandalorian." He stated frankly.

I met his gaze and nodded.

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