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I stood in the bridge of the command ship. "Good luck boys."

Obi wan's voice spoke over the coms. "Are you sure you're not coming?"

"Yes." I affirmed. "I think the two of you can handle it. Besides, I'm a horrible pilot."
"The Chancellor is being held in the observation tower." I relayed the information to Anakin and Obi wan. "Have fun with the elevator."

"How do you know something will go wrong?" Anakin asked.

I smirked. "Because something always goes wrong. May the Force be with you." The transmission cut off.
It felt wrong to sit back and do nothing. I felt useless. All I could do was watch as fighters exploded, killing the pilots - good soldiers. Finally, I'd had enough.

I walked towards the door. "Admiral, take control."

"Where are you going?" He asked, caught a bit off guard.

I faced him. "To save my men." I exited the bridge, sliding my Beskar helmet onto my head.

In the hangar, I latched on my jet pack and connected an air tank to my helmet. This would be interesting.

Hawk ran over. "General, What are you doing?"

I moved my shoulders to be sure I could carry the weight. "Improvising." My voice was muffled from the helmet and the air tank. Igniting my jet pack, I took off. I flew out of the hangar into the war zone outside. Drawing my lightsabers, I slashed a vulture droid from the sky. The shrapnel floated away, sparing the Clone pilot.

"Thanks, General." He replied over the coms.

I flew up next to him. "Don't mention it. Just keep these fighters away from the command ship."

"Yes ma'am." He veered aside, firing at the vulture droids.

I jettisoned towards General Grievous' ship. As I approached, the front windshield shattered.
General Grievous himself was sucked from the bridge. He grappled the ship and crawled away.
I almost went after him, but noticed Anakin and Obi wan struggling to remain in the ship. I propelled myself into the bridge and activated the blast shield. Metal plates closed over the breach in the glass. Everyone dropped to the floor.

I removed the air tank and tossed it to the floor, lifting my helmet from my head. "Miss me?"

Obi wan shook his head as he caught his breath.

Anakin chuckled. "I'm starting to see why the Council made you a Jedi Knight."

I smirked. "I'm flattered," I looked out the windshield and saw Coruscant... growing rapidly nearer. "but we have a problem."

Sorry for not updating yesterday. 😅 I had to rewatch Revenge of the Sith and figure out what I wanted Lianna to do in the movie. So, I'm back!
Hope you enjoyed.

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