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Adam's hand reached and grabbed a thick book and armed himself with that as a weapon. Unfortunately he had left his cell phone downstairs with his briefcase and suit.

Adam walked closer cautiously.

The figure was so absorbed in the book that he didn't realize he wasn't alone.

Wait. Adam stopped and narrowed his eyes. Only one person can read a book like that.

"Matt?" Adam called skeptically, Lowering the thick book he had wanted to hurl at the figure earlier on.

When the figure turned, Adam got a chance to look at his face.

It was Matt.

Relief crossed Adam that it wasn't a stranger or any freak in his house. However the relief was gone as soon as it came.

"What are you still doing here?" Adam questioned Matt as he crossed his hands.

Matt stood up looking a bit guilty.

Adam raised an eyebrow at him.


"Um...I didn't hear you come in, welcome back sir," Matt said.

Adam's eyes hardened on Matt. "I don't need your greetings. I want to know why you're still in my house!" He glanced at his watch, "It's past eight o'clock. What are you still doing here?"

"Well....what happened was--" Matt started but Adam decided he'd had enough.

He caught Matt's left hand and started pulling him along as he headed for the stairs.

"Mr Adam....wait!!" Matt cried in horror when he realized Adam wanted to carry out his threat of putting anyone that remained in his house when he returned in an orphanage.

Adam ignored him.

He was about to go down the stairs when he heard a familiar yell of victory from one of the nearby rooms. He clenched his fist. He'd know that voice anywhere.


He turned and marched to the gaming room, still pulling Matt along.

Adam pushed open the door and saw Reece and Caleb seated on beanbags, each holding a gamepad, facing the huge screen where a game of wrestling was being played.

They both instintively turned to the door sharply when it was barged into.

They saw a fuming Adam holding Matt's wrist tightly.

Caleb gulped while Reece cowered a bit.

Adam glared at them.

"Up," he ordered. "Get up, now!"

They quickly stood up. "Take it easy man, I know you're mad and you have every right to be but--" Reece started but Adam interrupted him.

"I'm not mad, I'm furious at you three. Come out now!" Adam cut in.

Reece and Caleb headed unsurely to the doorway where Adam stood. Once they reached him he grabbed the sleeves of both their shirts and started pulling the behind him, likewise Matt in the other hand.

"Mr Adam--!" Caleb said in a rush.

"Shut it!" Adam hissed fiercely at him.

"This ain't needed man, I could very well walk behind you," Reece huffed as Adam pulled him along. He was ignored.

They all went down the stairs.

Adam shoved Reece and Caleb away and he left Matt's hand.

They all stood together.

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