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Adam sighed as he entered his room.

"Scarlett, go on to the sitting room okay? I've got big news," he said as once as he entered. Scarlett who was seated on the bed, turned towards the door once he walked in.

"And please clear up all that stuff...," Adam gestured towards all the toys sprawled on the bed.

Scarlett pouted.

"But I still wanna play some more," she whined.

"Not now Scarlett, it's late, there's church tomorrow and there's loads of things we need to talk about. Pack it all up and meet me and the others in the sitting room," Adam told her and went out of the room.

As Adam walked towards the gaming room, his phone rang.

"Yeah, hello?" he said once he had checked the caller I.D.

"Adam, my man!" Tyson echoed cheerfully from the other end.

"Cut to chase, Ty, I'm kinda busy now," Adam said as he entered the gaming room.

Reece and Caleb were seated on the velvet rug with their legs crossed, they each held a gamepad.

There was a glass of lemonade beside Reece.

They were both sweating irrespective of the cool air coming out from the airconditioning and they both were leaning closely to the screen, each pushing his gamepad in determination.

The football match they were playing was a draw so far and they had limited time left.

"Hey guys, meeting in the sitting room, c'mon." Adam nodded his head in the direction of the hallway. Caleb and Reece didn't tear their eyes away from the screen.

"Look man, just one minute 'kay? Please, one more minute," Reece said hurriedly as he held up a finger.

"What?" Adam frowned a bit. "No! I want you both downstairs now!"

"You want me where?" Tyson asked puzzled.

"No, not you..." Adam replied as he brought the phone back to his ear.

"So what do you think?" Tyson asked. "Which option do you think would be better?"

Adam frowned. He hadn't been listening.

"I think the first is better," Tyson went on.

"Yeah, yeah," Adam just agreed.

"Thanks man," Reece grinned.

"No! Not you!" Adam yelled.

"Not me?" Tyson asked confused. Reece and Caleb choose that moment to look at Adam.

"Sir?" Caleb raised an eyebrow.

"No...I was talking to you," Adam told Tyson.

"Yeah, thanks man," Rece said and he and Caleb resumed their game.

"Not you guys! Jesus! Stop messing with my head!" Adam groaned frustrated.

"How's a simple question on whether I should wear my black jacket or my wine suit messing with your head?" Tyson questioned.

"Geez man," Reece complained. "We're almost done."

"No, you both get downstairs now," Adam hissed at him.

"I'm not with anyone," Tyson said. "Are you okay, Adam?"

Reece and Caleb relunctantly stood up, still holding their gaming pads.

"No, not you, I was with the kids," Adam told Tyson as he walked out of the gaming room and headed to the library.

"Okay, so we both agree that I'd look hotter in my black leather jacket, right?" Tyson asked, seeking affirmation.

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