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Caleb drew in a sharp breath.

Adam inwardly facepalmed himself. He was mad at Vanessa and he had taken it out on them.

Such a fool I am. Adam thought as he squeezed his eyes shut.

He opened his eyes and stepped forward, towards them. "Look guys--" At the same time they all took a step back, except Scarlett who was looking at the rug.

Adam resolved to stand where he was.

"Look, I didn't really mean any of that," he sighed.

"We didn't really mean to be bother, Mr Adam. We'll leave now, don't worry," Lucy replied in a stiff tone.

"Just when I was thinking that maybe I had judged all bigshots too hastily, you show me who you really are," Reece scoffed slightly.

Matt's mouth fell open and he clamped it shut.

"Let's go get our things, guys," Lucy said, not sparing Adam a look.

"Yeah, but before I forget." Reece brought out the new android touch-screen phone Adam had gotten for him. He placed it on the center table.

"I ain't going to accept your charity no more. I don't need that," Reece said and walked back to the remaining children.

Lucy and Caleb both pulled out their phones too. They placed it beside Reece's own.

"Thank you for buying them for us, but I'm afraid I can't accept it anymore," Lucy said without looking at him and stepped back.

"We'll pay for the rest of the clothes we're taking...we'll just need a little more time, saving and all. It might be a long while; we'll still have to pay rent and provide for our meals but don't worry, we won't forget our little debt," Caleb said and looked away.

"I know I deserved that, but listen you guys I--" Adam started but Reece cut in, his comment directed at Caleb.

"Careful man, he might think you're trying to brain wash him into pitying ya. Seems like that's the trend nowadays," Reece said dryly.

"Reece!" Adam called sharply.

"We'll be leaving now," Lucy said and walked towards the staircase.

"We just....we just want to get our stuffs," Matt murmured and turned his face away so that Adam wouldn't see his tears.

They all went upstairs, only Scarlett and Adam remained in the sittingroom.

Scarlett finally looked up.

She wasn't crying but emotions flashed through her glossy green eyes.

Sadness, dissapointment, and lastly hurt.

"Scarlett....," Adam whispered filled with regret.

"Mummy had always told me never to trust strangers cos I trusted people easily." Scarlett's tone was low but he heard her clearly.

She stared deeply into his dark eyes.

Her green ones piercing and accusing as she gazed at him.

"I can see why she said that."

Scarlett turned and fled up the stairs leaving Adam feeling like he had been stabbed in the heart. He sank down on the sofa. Her words kept re-playing in his mind.

"I can see why she said that."

Soon they all came downstairs again.

Reece was carrying a bagpack and a large duffel bag while Matt was carrying just a small suitcase. Lucy had on a bagpack and was carrying two suitcases. Caleb was carrying two duffel bags while Scarlett had on just a bagpack.

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