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"Whoa, whoa, whoa, man." Tyson stopped Adam from rushing past him. "The meeting is supposed to start in less than a minutes time, if you take off then what?"

"I don't understand why I have to but I feel strongly that God wants me home now, handle the board till I get back," Adam said hurriedly.

Tyson shook his head.

"You know I'm not in the position to do that, it's you that has to be in charge here. Besides this is the deal we've been trying to close for ages," Tyson told him.

Adam looked away. Tyson was right but he still felt the need to go home.

"Fine then, just distract them or talk about other topics till I return; I'll be back soon!" Adam said and dashed outside.

"Other topics like what?!" Tyson yelled at his retreating figure.

"Figure it out Tyson! That's why you're the CFO!" Adam yelled back before entering the elevator.

"Gee thanks," Tyson snorted before rolling his eyes and walking slowly to the conference room.

Adam ran to where his SUV was parked and immediately started the engine.

Not too long after he was driving out of his company.

What going on, God? He asked silently as he went slightly over the speed limit.

Soon his estate came to view.

He honked at the entrance.

After all the normal security procedures had been taking care of at the gate, he made his way towards his villa.

He didn't bother parking in the garage. Adam saw a strange van parked in front of the house, he pulled up beside the van.

He grabbed his phone and dialed his security number.

"I'm going to need security down here, there's a case of illegal tresspassing. I'm going to make sure the kids are alright," Adam said hurriedly and cut the call.

He got down cautiously and went to peer at the driver seat of the other vechicle, he saw it was totally empty.

At the other side of the van was a logo.

Adam's heart skipped a bit when he realized it was an orphange logo, worse it wasn't an orphange in their state.

He quickly headed inside.

He heard some noises coming from indoors.

He called his security again as he walked towards the door. "Get your butt down here now Ted," he instructed fiercely.

"We're nearing the main house sir!" Ted replied and Adam disconnected the call.

Just then he heard Lucy yell, "No! We're not going anywhere with you!"

Adam quickly bursted into the house.

He saw the kids all huddled together by the bottom of the staircase. Reece and Caleb were shielding the other two smaller ones while Lucy was glaring at Vanessa who stood some feet away from her.

To their right stood a middle aged man in a complete set of ash suit. He had on a pair of square spectacles. He was holding a black file of some sorts.

A woman in her late forties stood beside the man. She was also wearing suit but hers was gray in color and she had on a pair of kitten heels.

"What the heck is going on?!" Adam thundered.

Vanessa just looked a bit startled to see him there. Relief entered the kids faces and Scarlett quickly jumped up from where she was crouched down and ran to hug Adam crying.

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