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The door bell rang.

Reece who was lounging on the sofa in the sitting room, shot up and went to answer the door.

As he opened it, he saw Vanessa at the other end. She was wearing a spaghetti strap dress and had on a fur coat and a designer hat and held a clutch.

Her lips curved downwards in disgust when she saw it was him.

Reece pursed his lips but decided to be respectful.

"Gud afternoon, ma'am."

Vanessa rolled her eyes at him and walked past him into the house. Even though Adam had explained his whole plan to her she still didn't like the fact that mere street kids were living with him.

"Where's Adam?" she asked sharply.

"Around; upstairs, wherever, I'm not sure." Reece shrugged and went back to the sofa he was earlier seated on.

Vanessa was pissed at the way he was comfortably seated.

"Aren't you supposed to be cleaning everywhere up?" she snapped at him and he looked up from his phone.

"I've done my chores." He lowered his head again.

Vanessa scoffed. She always pictured them as housekeepers.

"Well find something else to do. Don't laze around my fiance house anyhow. You don't belong here and don't you forget it," she told him fiercely.

"Street urchin," she spat venomously.

Reece actually chuckled.

He kept his phone down and stood up to face her.

"Could you please repeat that," he grinned widely as his eyes went behind her.

Vanessa scowled at him.

"Like heck I will."

Reece shook his head. "Not to me. To him." He nodded behind her and she whirled around to see Adam standing there with his arms crossed.

Vanessa was a bit startled but she composed herself swiftly.

"Baby," she said sweetly.

Adam's steel gaze was trained on her. "Leave us," he ordered Reece, not once taking his eyes off Vanessa.

"Sure thing," Reece replied and went upstairs.

Adam's eyes followed his exit. Once he was gone he turned back to Vanessa.

"What was that all about?"

Vanessa snorted. "I was letting him know his place."

"Vanessa, we've talked about this; you are not in any place to insult these kids, got that?" Adam told her with a frown.

"Whatever," she waved him off and reached into her purse and brought out two tickets.

She waved them in front to Adam and grinned.

"Am I supposed to know what that is?" Adam asked with a bored expression.

Vanessa pouted. "They're tickets."

"I know they're tickets, Vanessa, I just don't know why you're waving them in my face," Adam replied with a yawn.

"Oh, silly me," Vanessa laughed airily. "They're front row seats to Santi Oper," she informed him.

"What?" Adam raised his his eyebrow. He had never heard of the name before. She looked at him in disbelief.

"You've never heard of Santi Oper?" Vanessa gaped at him.

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