Chapter 18

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After the scene at the park, I haven’t seen him for a week. He’s a busy man. I myself have been busy applying and having interviews from different publishing companies.

My first interview did not go well. I’ve waited for four hours for the interview, and when it was my turn, the secretary told me that the editor has an important meeting to attend and that’s why he can’t interview me.

What the hell?! I’ve been waiting here for centuries and now you’re telling me that the editor cannot interview me today? I just wasted my time here! I really wanted to say all these to the secretary but I calmed myself, breathe in breathe out. Then, I smiled at the secretary, actually it was a fake smile and said “Thank you.”

I went at a café near the office and bought coffee to calm myself. I seated near the window and I can see the busy street outside. When I looked outside, I saw the editor leaving the building. He really has a meeting I thought.

 When I looked again, I saw him with a girl. That girl! She was the one sitting before me. She’s the one being interviewed when the secretary told me that the editor has an important meeting. And now, they are kissing! In public!

“Arrghhh! Those Bastards! That girl seduced him to get the job! Dirty works, hmp.” I hissed. I was mad, really mad. This is my first interview, and this is happening? I eyed them and walk out the café.

Holding my coffee in one hand, I walked towards them and bumped into them. I ‘accidentally’ poured my coffee at her dress and it stained.

“Oops, I’m sorry.” She’s looking at me, she’s mad and irritated. She did not recognize me because I wore my eyeglasses.

“You miss, watch where you are going!” It was the editor who shouted at me. At my face!

“I’m sorry, if she,” I was pointing at the girl, “wants, I could buy her a dress at a nearby boutique.” I smiled.

“No! I’m going home!” she called for a taxi. She’s really mad. They are both mad.

I left them and made my way to our house. Haha. “You both deserve that.”

I told my parents that I will go to my interviews commuting. I don’t want to be judged as a rich kid when someone sees me going out of a family car. Commuting is fun, but it is so tiring and the traffic, it makes me sick. When I reached our village, I asked the taxi driver to stop before the gate. I want to have a walk.

While walking, I saw the park. I instantly remembered the time I had a talk with Justin. How my heart breaks whenever I think of him. Then suddenly, my phone rang.

“Where the hell are you? I’ve missed you so much best!” She said on the other line.

“I’m on my way home. Maybe two to three steps I’m already at our gate. Why?”

Before she could answer, I can see Trish holding her baby bump running towards me.

“Oh, Trish. Please don’t run!” I shouted at her. But she can’t be stopped. Then I saw Nate running after her, worried.

“I missed you so much!” She hugged me tight and I can feel that she’s crying.

“Hush now, Don’t cry. I’m here.” I stroke her back.

She pulled away from me and held my hand.  She dragged me inside our house. “I have a surprise for you!”

“Wait, be careful!”

When we are already inside the house, she handed me a paper bag. “Open it.” She smiled at me broadly.

“I’m sorry Ella, she insisted to go straight here from the airport. She is so excited to see you and give you that,” it was Nate.

I pulled out the things in the paper bag, there is one T-Shirt which says, ‘I LOVE PARIS’, the other is a box and I opened it, “It’s an anklet, with the Eiffel Tower!” Trish said excitedly.

“Thank you. I love them!” And I hugged and kissed my best friend.

“I told you, she’ll like it.” Nate said as-a-matter-of-factly to Trish.

 Trish is nodding. She’s happy that I like the Shirt and the anklet.

“Please have dinner here, I’ll ask Manang Luisa to cook for us,” I looked at Trish, then Trish looked at Nate and he nodded.

“For a while, I’ll just tell Manang. I’m sure you two are tired. Please treat this house as your house also.” Then I left them.

From the kitchen, I can see them cuddling each other, they are so very happy being in each other’s arms.

“They’re happy,” Manang Luisa whispered.

I just nodded, I never saw my best friend this happy. Nate makes her happy and I know that he loves her so much.

“Don’t worry, you’ll soon find your other half,” Manang said again.

I smiled at her. Maybe I found him already, but, I don’t know if he wants me too. I don’t know if I can really stand for him. If I can love him with no hesitations, no holds barred.

I went again inside the living area and Nate is now asleep in Trish’ lap.

“He’s dead tired.”

Trish nodded and I laid down the tray with glasses of Iced Tea and some cookies.

I gave Trish some cookies and she ate them. She’s also hungry. “The baby makes me hungry always,” she said as she swallowed the cookie.

“I’m happy seeing you happy,” I told her.

She reached for my hand, “I will be happier if I will see you happy again Ella.”

“I’m happy,” I tried to smile.

“I understand, please try to love again Ella,” and she squeezed my hand.

“Yeah, I will.”

“Dinner is ready,” I stood up and went to the kitchen to help serve the food.

Trish did much of the talking during dinner and I can see Nate that he really is amazed with Trish. She did not stop from telling their “escapades” in Paris. I really missed this girl.

When we finished dinner, both of them said they really have to go. I asked them to stay for tonight but Nate told me that his parents are expecting them today.

“Bye best, take care.”

“You also, you take care. Don’t be hard headed. Don’t give Nate any problems.”

“As if I’m giving him problems. I make him happy, Right honey?”

Nate just smiled and I hugged them both before they went inside the car.

“More interviews for tomorrow. Please be good to me.” I headed to my room and readied my clothes for tomorrow. I decided to wear a black dress tomorrow and my high stilettos.

The Best ManTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon