Chapter 19

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I woke up early to finish my morning rituals. I have an interview at nine o’clock. I changed my mind to wear a black dress. Instead, I wore a V-neck white top and black A-Line skirt two inches above the knee. I let my hair fall down my back, put some mascara and blush on. To complete my outfit I wore my four inches black stilettos.

I looked at myself at the mirror, “Perfect.”

I carefully climb down the stairs, thinking I might stumble and fall with these heels.

“You look stunning sweetie,” my mom gasped when she saw me.

When I reached the last step, I saw my dad turned to look at me. He stepped closer and held me in arms length, “Wow! You look stunning baby. You really are gorgeous.”

“Oh c’mon, mom, dad, don’t look at me like that. I have to look presentable in my interviews, so that they will hire me.”

“Sweetie, you should always look good. You are now officially a lady,” my mom is beaming with tears.

I came closer to her and hugged her, “Mom, I’ll always be your baby.”

“Yes I know. And one day, a man will snatch you from us,” she’s wiping her tears.

“Before they can snatch my baby, they have to fight me,” my dad’s fist in the air.

“Haha, you both stop now. I don’t want to cry, my mascara will stain in my face,” and I flapped my eyelashes. With that, they laughed.

“I do really have to go. I don’t want to be late.”

“Okay, but let Manong Jun drive you to your destination, you won’t be commuting wearing those stilettos.” My dad told me.

“Yup, but he will just drop and pick me up at the location. I don’t want anybody talking about me.”

I climbed inside the car and prayed silently. “Please Lord; guide me with my interviews this day.”

We reached our first location, I asked Manong Jun to stop before the building. I’ll just walk. I arranged my things and went out.

“This is it!”

“Good luck Ella,” I heard Manong from the car window.

I looked back at him and gestured, Fight! I started walking inside the building. I went inside the elevator and punched the number of the floor I’m heading to.



The elevator door opened and here I am, at the eighth floor. I went at the concierge and told the receptionist that I have an interview at 9 am. She looked at her list and said, “Wait for awhile Ms. Hernandez. The Human Resource Department will give me the instructions.”

The Best ManTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon