Chapter 28

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Hello hunty's🙋🎉💫

How you liking the chapters so far? Man I've been writing like crazy this weekend, I know y'all waiting like when is this bitch finna publish the damn chapter but it's a process🙈. As usual I have my loyal readers voting and commenting. Y'all will get recognised soon don't worry💋. This chapter may be short. If so I am so sorry I'm really tired. But the picture on the side is Maria holding baby Caleb. And the song on the side is what she was listening to in the car🎶✨

-Happy Reading📖💫💥

Maria's P.O.V
"Maria, you ready"
I silently groaned and rolled my eyes. Rico is taking me to his office apparently so I'm getting dressed. Ion know why I need to come with him. We argued last night well he argued with himself I didn't reply to him. Ion wanna be around anyone especially him. I just want to be alone to recover from this situation and he's not making me do that by always hovering over me like I'm fucking Caleb.

"MARIA?!" He shouted again

Why does he have to shout I'm right here like you just down the staircase you can come up to our room!

The door opened and he looked at me
"You ready ma?" He said
I nodded
"You still not speaking?"
I rolled my eyes and put on my ray bands and walked down the steps and to the car.

I placed my earphones in and fell asleep listening to Ash K- Bonnie & Clyde

What felt like seconds later but was probably like 20 minutes later, I got tapped and I looked up to see a therapist building. What the fuck?! I looked at rico and he looked everywhere but at me. I shook my head and got out the car and walked in the opposite direction from the therapist building. Rico hollered for me then I felt myself being pulled back.

"We have to talk to someone. I feel like I'm losing you maria you don't speak to me anymore. Nothing. Not even around the boys. We don't even sleep in the same room anymore. I know I fucked up because I didn't come get you soon enough but I tried. And I'm not gonna lose you because of this. I've worked too hard to make this relationship work, I've fucking changed everything about myself to be a better man and person for you"

"I'm not going to this bullshit rico, we don't need fucking therapy. Ion need a fucking poxy white woman telling me to speak about my feelings you don't know shit about anything that happened to me. And it was all your fault! I've had enough of you fucking treating me like I'm incapable of anything!"
That's the most I've talked to him or anyone apart from the kids in the last week and a half

"You are coming we have to sort this out maria" he rubbed his hands down his face and looked me in my face.
"Please?" He said

I rolled my eyes and followed after him and walked into the building. We walked down the corridor to the room and sat on the sofa in front of a lady that was my colour. She was pretty though, she was married I saw her diamond shining bright as hell. Mine are bigger and more shinier though haha💫🌟.

"Good morning Mr and Mrs Johnson, I'm Dr Jefferson how are you two today?" She looked between the two of us probably waiting for a response.

Rico cleared his throat and talked first
"I'm good how are you?"
"I'm how are you Mrs Johnson?"
They both turned their attention on me and I just continued to stare in the corner of the room.

"Mrs Johnson? Can you remove your sunglasses please?"

This woman's voice is starting to annoy me so much I'm gonna snap in a few.

"Can you stop calling Mrs Johnson. My name is Maria and no I can't remove my glasses" I sat back in the chair and stared her down. She probably didn't notice because of my glasses but oh well.

"so why did you come today?" She said looking at Rico.

"We are having some problems in our marriage" rico said

I scoffed and started tapping my foot. I'm starting to get real agitated with this shit. This room reminds me of Ace's office in Belize.

"Is there something wrong Maria?" She asked.

I took my glasses off and glared at rico and her. I placed my glasses back on and resumed to staring in the corner of the room.

"She hasn't spoken to me in the last week since she's been home from the hospital. I used to be in the game and when I left, I left having enemies. My enemy happened to be her best friend/lover or whatever he was. They happened when me and her was separated. He ended up physically abusing her and she had a miscarriage. The nigga came back and kidnapped her and took her to belize. Ion know all the details but he did some foul shit to her while she was there. She was there for 4 months, only because I couldn't find her. I looked in all places I could. I followed leads I was given and I still couldn't find her. She's got resentment towards me I think because it took me ages to find her and she's blaming me. This shit ain't my fault man. I ain't done shit to her but love and respect her"

Why is he telling this woman all our business?

I was struggling to hold back my tears because him speaking about it all made it all real in my mind and I didn't like having flashbacks. I didn't like having to remember all of those things I didn't wanna have to feel vulnerable like when I was 15 and I got raped. I didn't wanna be in that situation again.

"Maria why aren't you speaking to him? Do you have resentment towards him in any way shape form or fashion?" She was writing in her notepad as she said that to me.

I didn't reply.

"see that shit right there thats what I'm talking about man. She is just shutting everyone out. I want to fucking help maria. You my woman, my wife, the mother of all my kids my best friend my everything and you keeping shit from me!"

"stop shouting at me" I said calmly

"oh so now you wanna talk? Now you wanna talk?! What about when you tried to fucking OD on your painkillers on Thursday? and I stopped you did you talk then? Or the time I woke up in the middle of the night hearing you screaming and shouting because you was having one of your nightmares?!"

"STOP! STOP! STOP IT RICO!" The tears came streaming down my face as I shook my head.

"You have to get over this shit maria!" He shouted at me.

"Okay rico and maria you both have to calm down. You are both clearly going through some things and I know that you may feel that you can't trust me maria but everything is confidential here. I promise you that. You don't have to talk if you don't want to. Different people heal in different ways. But both of you take this notepad and write in it when something happens. At the end of the the week leave the notepad on each other's pillows so you can read it. Next week Thursday we can have another session to see the progress okay?"

I took the book shook her hand and walked out the building. It was raining outside. I texted my bodyguard Rick to pick me up and to take me to a hotel.

I can't deal with any of this shit. Yeah I tried to kill myself but I was drunk. But who wouldn't want to kill themselves. I was raped, beaten, abused in all possible ways, and I was kidnapped. By someone that I once upon a time had strong love for. Do you know how that can fuck someone up. That shit fucked me up to the fullest and NO-ONE could move on so quickly from that. I need time away from everyone and that's what I'm gonna do. I need to sort myself out because I can't make what he did fuck up my life forever.

Rico's P.O.V

she just got up and left me in the therapist' room. Ion even give a fuck anymore. I slipped off my wedding ring and stared at it intently. I leaned my head back on my car seat and stared at the ring. It has Maria's name on the inside.

What happened to the Maria Naomi Rendiz that I fell inlove with?


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