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" maya what do you need two bedrooms for ?" . Melo asked and shareef agreed .
" just in case someone stays the night or something..duh " . I said as me and Myles put my marble living room table down .

  Let me introduce myself ; I'm maya O'neal , yes my father is Shaquille and my mom is shaunie .
I'm the fourth born, right after amirah and I'm 18 .

I'm the fourth born, right after amirah and I'm 18

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  I play basketball just like siblings except for Myles.
I am single but do have my eyes on someone.. *cough lamelo.* we meet years ago at a basketball game and instantly became friends but now I have a crush on him..badly but lord knows he probably doesn't feel the same but he need a lil brownskin in his life and that's me 😏. Anyway... back to reality !

  " the room is for me cause I'm not staying at moms anymore" qir said as he ate his fries from Chick-fil-A. I mugged him " lil boy " I took one of his fries .
He hit me " I'm only one year younger than you , shut up fat ass " . He rolled his eyes .
" I know my ass is fat " I stuck my tongue out and moved my booty a little until Myles slapped the back of my head " girl stop doing that " . I stale faced him and flipped him off .
Melo and reef was laughing " he slapped the shit out of you " melo said and I squinted my eyes at him .
" you want me to hit you next ?" I arched my eyebrow and his face became serious . " no .." .


" Byee, I'll see yal later " I told them all and hugged them as they left . Melo was the last out the door .
" I'll see you later ?" He asked while brushing his waves . " you coming by later or you trying to go out.. ?" I asked . " me and a couple other people was going bowling at seven, and you coming with me " he tells me . " well damn you ain't gone ask " we both laughed . " Ight I'll see you " he kissed my forehead and we hugged again and I smelled his cologne which was my favorite scent making me like this boy even more . I waved goodbye and locked my door .

  It was around three in the afternoon and melo said they were leaving at seven so I had time to take a nap and that's what I did , I was hella tired after moving today

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It was around three in the afternoon and melo said they were leaving at seven so I had time to take a nap and that's what I did , I was hella tired after moving today .

  I pulled out a outfit from my closet first and laid it on my dresser . I took of my shirt and laid down on my bed setting my alarm until 5;30 and I went to sleep right away .

 I took of my shirt and laid down on my bed setting my alarm until 5;30 and I went to sleep right away

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  I woke up to my alarm and turned it off . I stretched a bit and got up , I went into my bathroom and connected my phone to my Bluetooth speaker.

I started my shower and got inside .
After thirty minutes I got out with my towel wrapped around me and grabbed my phone because I got a text ; it was from melo .

Open the door yaya

I just got out the shower but ok

I texted and made sure my towel was covering me up and I went to the door and opened it .
" why is you in a towel ?" He licked his lips and I let him in . I locked the door " I just told you I got out the shower " I rolled my eyes and he sat on the couch .

  " boy stop staring at me " I cheesed while blushing .
He chuckled " go change then girl !" . He stood up with his hands in his pants walking around making me smirk to myself .

I went into my room and started getting dressed (outfit at the top) . I sprayed some of my Chanel perfume and I combed my straight hair making sure it looked okay .

I walked back out to the living room but found melo eating my cheezits . I snatched them out if his hand "stop eating my food bitch !" . He walked up closer to me " who you calling a bitch ?" . He whispered and his voice was deeper . I swear I felt a little waterfall down there .

  " uh- um ..n-nobody " I swallowed the lump in my throat . He looked down at my lips and he smirked and laughed "that's what I thought " .

  I rolled my eyes and hit him . " let me go brush my teeth real quick " as I walked away I moved my hips a little cause my ass was definitely moving in the biker shorts .

I started brushing my teeth and when I looked up at the mirror I saw melo behind me . I got scared and jumped , making my ass rub on his area , mind you he's wearing sweatpants and this nigga felt big even on soft .

  " yo you wanna fight !?" I yelled as I spit the toothpaste out . " girl Whatchu mean " . His big mouth ass smiled , making me smile too .
" stop fucking scaring me " I laughed and wiped my mouth. When I looked back up I heard him take a picture of us . "I wasn't even looking good melo !" I groaned and put on lipgloss.

  " you always look good shut up " . He put his phone away and grabbed his keys . I blushed " you ready ?" He asked and i nodded my head .

I turned off all the lights and grabbed my house keys. "Come on " . We walked out and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we walked down to the parking lot and got in his car .

  Once we got situated he started driving with the music playing and the windows down . He stopped at a red light and I decided to take a picture of us .

 He stopped at a red light and I decided to take a picture of us

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"Send that to me " . I nodded my head and he started driving again . He rested his right hand on my thigh out of nowhere .

Literally my breathing became slow and I smirked to myself . I wrapped my hand around the bottom of his arm and rubbed my medium length acrylics on him .

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