•𝗜𝗻 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗕𝗲𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴•

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Nikki's POV, July 1984

My life's never been easy. My dad left me, my mom couldn't give a shit, the constant string of one night stands and last-a-week boyfriends my mom had used to beat the shit outta me for no reason.

Nothing in my life was worth living for and that's a fact.

There has always been one thing I've lived for though, one thing that made those early years of my life tolerable. That thing was my best friend, Kelly Dixon.

Kelly and I met way back when we were about 7- her parents moved in next door and one day she was playing with her dad in the front yard, I remember watching them from my bedroom window- wishing that I could have a family like hers, a family who loved me.

She spotted me in the window and waved, I remember feeling quite shocked at the fact she noticed me cause nobody really had before, but I did wave back hoping instantly that we could become friends.

Long story short this lead to me opening my bedroom window and is striking up a conversation, we instantly had a connection with eachother and we very quickly became inseparable.

Kelly knew everything about me, literally everything. She knew of every single insecurity, fear, dream and fantasy I'd ever had- she was the first person I told I was gay. Kelly accepted me when I struggled to accept myself and that meant the world to me.

I could tell her anything and she'd support me which is rather important right now, because I had a secret which only two people on the planet knew, one was my mom who doesn't really count now that I think about it because she's never really acknowledged it but the other was Kelly.

The secret was that I have the ability to have children- I found out when I was 12 years old, I collapsed one day and my mom took me to a doctor- they ran tests and discovered the female reproductive organs, there was nothing the doctors could really say- none of them had seen anything like me before, you have no idea how embarrassed and alone I felt when doctors kept coming in and out of the room checking me over, running tests.

I felt so fucking violated- I was asked to remove my clothes so the doctors could do a 'full examination', they checked the lower half of my body and found a cervical entrance which only caused more doctors to come in and check me out.

It was one of the worst days of my life, I was treated like I was some kinda alien and it certainly added to my ever growing list of mental issues.

My mom was no comfort either, she didn't accept my condition and always made sure I knew just how much of a freak I was. Kelly however didn't even bat an eyelid when I went around to her house the night I found out in hysterical tears and told her what had been discovered, she just took it in her stride and helped me accept the fact I was different.

I've never told anyone else, I didn't trust anyone else with the information- I didn't even trust my mom with my secret but there was no way she couldn't have known given I was only a child when I found out myself.

None of the band knew and especially not Tommy- oh, Tommy- my beautiful, crazy ass drummer- we'd been together practically 4 years, we got together only two months after meeting. He meant everything to me, he and Kelly were the only people to truly love me, without either one of them I wouldn't be the same.

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