•𝗨𝗻𝘀𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗱𝘂𝗹𝗲𝗱 𝗖𝗵𝗲𝗰𝗸𝘂𝗽•

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Nikki's POV, August 1984

The tour was over- thank fuck for that.

It's nice to be back home and not having to move around all the time, we'd got back 3 days ago and for one of those days I literally slept like a straight 24 hours I was that exhausted.

I'm fine though now, everything's back to normal. Well... almost, I'm still pregnant.. so not that normal but you know what I mean.

Neither me or Kelly were sure exactly how long things would be normal for giving the fact I was practically 2 months into this pregnancy give or take a few days.

On the way back to L.A the other day Kelly actually said she'd sneak me in for a checkup to make sure everything's alright- we both knew there still isn't much there at the moment but I did want to be sure that everything was as it should be- I didn't know if I had a higher risk of things like miscarriages or whatever, I hoped not, I really didn't want to lose my baby.

It hadn't still 100% hit me yet that I was gonna be a parent, it was something I had never really pictured or thought about before and I thought I'd never have kids because although I had the ability I wasn't going to ever use it.

God had other ideas apparently. Or maybe it was just my dicks idea.... whichever seems more logical to you I guess.

The appointment Kelly was sneaking me in for was during her break, she rang me earlier and said she'd made sure that nobody else was going to be around so it'd be safe to do- it meant a lot to me that's she cared about this as much as I did, she didn't have to do this for me, yet she is.

My morning sickness was still kicking my ass which was amazing, like the literal greatest thing ever, I'd managed to sneak off without Tommy questioning me when I need to puke and all food I eat is now cooked by myself seems as I know what sets off my nausea and what doesn't.

Tommy and I hadn't really done much today, we'd watched some TV and had some shower sex but that was about it, I was really just waiting for 12:15 to hit so I can drive to the hospital and meet Kelly, it's the only interesting thing happening today and it wasn't that far off now.

"Nik, do you want a cup of coffee?" Tommy yells from the kitchen.

"No, it's okay- I'll have water" I yell back, I'd love a coffee but apparently it can dangerous during pregnancy so I was now avoiding it at all costs. I'm not taking any risks.

"Okay" he replies before walking into the room setting down a glass of water on the table infront of me "Here"

"Thanks babe" I smile as I take a sip of the water and place it on the table in front of me, Tom sits next to me and pulls me into his side.

"Anything for you"

The smile on my face widened at the comment and I leant in and kissed my boyfriend soundly on the lips letting them linger for a moment before pulling away  "I love you, Tommy... you'll never know how much I mean that... thank you for loving me"

"I'll never love anyone else, Nik... I belong to you"

"Good because I'd never want to see you with anyone other than me" I hum.

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