•𝗛𝗶𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗿𝘂𝘁𝗵•

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Nikki's POV

All in all the nap I took with Kelly lasted about 5 hours, it wasn't enough to completely get rid of my exhaustion but it was enough so I could feel more like myself.

But I was dreading leaving the room and going back over to Tommy, given the fact that it's been confirmed I'm pregnant with his child. I don't know if I can look in his eyes knowing what I know but I'll have to find a way I suppose, I didn't want to hide the truth but I saw no other option right now.

"Hey" I hear Kelly say snapping me out of the daze I had fallen into.

"What? What is it?"

She laughed lightly "You really are away with the fairies today aren't you?"

A sheepish smile took over my features "Sorry, not really thinking straight..."

"You don't say... you need to stop thinking because you're gonna stress yourself out and I don't want you to have another panic attack"

"Me neither" I sighed "Fuck, I'm such a mess"

"You are... but you're a hot mess, don't worry" she cooed while grabbing at my cheek like I was a baby.

"Is that a compliment?" I wondered with a raised eyebrow.

"It's meant to be, yeah"

I hummed "Thought so... I... er, when do you think I should go back to Tom?"

"Whenever you want to, but it better be soon otherwise he's gonna come looking for you"

"Yeah, I know" I said before shrugging and standing up "I better go then... oh, thanks for this morning by the way"

Kelly hugged me and I returned it smiling into her hair "It's nothing, Nikks. If you need anything you know where to find me"

"Thank you"

It was about 6:30pm by the time I left Kelly's room and went back to my boyfriend, upon entering the hotel room I was almost instantly assaulted by Tommy who hardly let me get inside the room before slamming me against it kissing me intensely.

We made out against the door for a good few minutes before I pulled back with a grin on my lips "Not that I'm complaining but what was that for?"

"Do I have to have a reason to kiss the love of my life?" He asked rhetorically a loving look in his eyes and it was comments like this which temporarily silenced the nagging voice in the back of my head saying he wouldn't want to know me once he found out about the baby... our baby... which was currently growing inside me.

"Suppose not" I grinned placing my hands on Tom's arms and switching positions with him so his backs now against the door, once I do this I walk down the short corridor into the main hotel room, placing myself down on the edge of the bed "Sorry, I took so long... I-.. er, I kinda fell asleep- didn't really sleep much last night, needed to catch up with it" I tell him my voice wavering a little as I tried to not accidentally say something to out my secret.

"No, it's fine... you good? You seem a little on edge"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm good... still tired I guess"

𝗔𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗔𝗴𝗮𝗶𝗻 🤍 Where stories live. Discover now