•𝗕𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲•

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A/N: First chapter from Kelly's POV! ☺️


Kelly's POV, July 1984

It had been a week since Nikki came to me with his suspicion of being pregnant and it had been 6 days since his pregnancy had been confirmed.

He was still kind of all over the place and worrying himself senseless over telling Tommy- I wanted to tell him that Tommy would accept the situation and everything will be fine but I can't... because I honestly can't gauge how he'd react, if Tommy doesn't accept this baby when I'd told him he would it'll break Nikki more and I don't want that, I can't give him false hope especially over something like this.

Nikki really does have bad nausea though, most women do during pregnancy and Nikki's is pretty ass kicking- it's been everyday this week atleast 5 times a day, I feel for him because it's bad enough as it is without throwing up constantly.

The boys had a show tonight and were currently running a sound check and I was worried about Nik- he seems alright but the adrenaline and stamina it takes to do a show is a lot and now with Nikki being pregnant it will certainly take a lot out of him, so add that with performing I was understandably concerned- so I needed to keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't overwork himself and endanger not only his own health but the health of his baby.

Currently, I was sitting on Tommy's drum riser watching as they run through they're songs briefly to make sure everything's in order- Vince like he always did during soundcheck when I was watching came over and sang to me, getting rather too close to me, I think it was rather clear the singer has some kind of crush on me and as gorgeous as Vince is, I wouldn't particularly date him but he gets a A for effort in trying, he is hot though- I can't deny it.

My eyes fix on Nikki who's watching Vince's attempt to serenade me, Nik's smirking and the second our eyes meet that smirk only widens and he wiggled his eyebrows at me nodding towards Vince, I chuckle and give him a middle finger which makes the bassist laugh aswell.

Soon, the song ended and Vin turned to Tommy and looked to Mick as Nikki came up behind me, placing a hand on my shoulder "Sounds good, yeah?" The singer asks.

"Sure, if you weren't singing" Nikki retorts playfully.

Vince turns and looks at him with narrowed eyes but it was clear to see fact that his lips turned up slightly at the remark "Fuck you, Sixx" the blonde then looks at me "What did you think?"

"You guys were amazing, like always... you sound great Vinnie, ignore asshole back here" I say pointing a finger towards Nikki who let out a noise of protest.

"Thanks" Vince smilies at the compliment, a light blush on his cheeks. Damn, he really wasn't subtle.

"Aww, is Vinnie-winny blushing" Tommy teased which earned him a smack around the back of his head "Ah, fuck" he hissed as he rubbed the spot where Vince's palm had came into contact with his head.

The five of us stood and had a chat for a few minutes but as time passed Nikki grew quieter, I spared a glance in his direction at one point to see he'd gone almost white, he met my eyes and silently tried to tell me something- I cotton on rather quickly to what he was trying say just as Nikki's grip on my shoulder suddenly tightened before it completely disappeared as he turned and hastily ran off the stage, Mick, Vince and looked immensely confused but Tom looked rather panicked.

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